Chapter 40 - Anger (2)

Juni sat down in his office, staring off into space as he sat on his swirling chair .

After realizing what he had done, he was mortified , was an understatement. Even though the anger was justified, he still believed he should and kept himself in check and mentally beat up on himself as he wondered what the people in the conference Hall thought of him, by now, he was sure the signing process was over, after all ,its been over 3hours since he had pushed his ever loyal secretary out the door just so he could think properly.

Right , that reminds him ,Mark. What was he going to do?. For a moment there, Juni stopped worrying about himself and wondered just how many lives Angela was hurting using him.

Juni sighed, did she feel guilty a little bit? He wasn't sure after all, he face showed no sign of it with those shady sunglasses on, he could see nothing past her appearance except he knew just how blunt and cold she was being when she asked

"Why's he not fired?"

And her secretary, Stephen , he had gone home drunk that night so why was he in on this? Just what was Angela thinking, he asked letting out a sigh.

He sat up with his hands in pocket and made to th window side overlooking the city , he stared out and wondered just how much he would miss this place, he took a deep breath and called out to Mark


It was like Mark was waiting for him right outside the door because it didn't take him a second to bound in

"Yes boss?"He replied upon getting in and closing the doors behind him

"Let's pack the rest of these documents so I can get the hell out off here"Juni stated turning to face him with a smile

This reflected on Mark's face as it lit up with a smile

"sure boss"

"Are these supposed to go in here?"

"Where are promoting and printing sections? "

"The white ones should be pinned"

The questions rolled in.

And that's what they did all day till the clock on Juni's table chimed 7pm.

"Is this the last of them?" Mark asked

"Yes,I think so" Juni replied getting up from his previous crouching position.

"Okay,let me pack this to your car" Mark stated reaching to take Juni's car keys but Juni stopped him


"Yes boss.." mark replied

"I want to leave without them"

"What do you mean,you will need these" Mark laughed nervously adjusting his glasses

Juni smiled right back

" I wish I didn't have to leave for real,you know that but I have to and I know that and I have also accepted it ,so stop being so nervous around me.could you bring this to me at home tomorrow?"he asked

Mark gave an understanding smile

" Sure,yeah ,I can"

"Okay thanks" Juni said with a sad smile as he grabbed his coat jacket

"Leaving so soon?" Mark pointed out

"I want to get out of here as soon as possible" Juni stated

" Can't you just wait a little while longer?"Mark asked his voice wavering

Juni moved forward and closer to his secretary before laying a comforting hand on Mark's shoulders

"Thank you, Beyonce" Juni said,out loud and proceeded to leave, leaving behind a sniffing secretary who refused to turn back to.see him go

"Boss?" Mark called out ,his back still to his retreating figure

"Yes?" Juni replied pausing in his tracks

"You didn't deserve any of this"he finally concluded

Juni let out a sad smile and replied

" I know" and the door closed behind him on the way out to the elevator,Juni let out a sigh as he took in a deep breath and headed to the elevator.

Upon pressing the elevator button, he came face to face with Sammy, the 15year old bell boy who smiled sadly at him

"Evening Mr Cartel"

The fifteen year old bell boy managed out

" Hey there ,Sammy. How are you doing? "Juni replied

" Good"Sammy answered and didn't say another word as the elevator hummed its way downward.

Juni had read the book all right, it was quite an intriguing book and if it could have made him read from the beginning, then it was a book worth going public.

"Sammy?" Juni called out

"Yes, Mr Cartel" Sammy replied dryly

" Here.. Your book first sales"Juni brought out a check of two thousand dollars,he had written it the day before after getting his severance pay

The boy couldn't believe it as he stared lovingly at it

"Really?" He asked , his face shining with tears as he looked up

"Yeah,I read it and it was quite intriguing" Juni said with a smile

"Yeah , and here, you should contact this editor from the other branch, tell him you are from me, show him the book and ask for a contract proposal"Juni added and handed over a business card just as the elevator's door flunged open and he stepped out as a few others stepped in

Sammy looked at the check and card in his hands with a beaming smile as Juni walked away

"Thanks Mr Cartel, You really are amazing" he called out to Juni's retreating figure.

Juni smiled as he walked away but raised a hand up to form a perfect expression.

Juni's dreams were dashed that day but he helped built someone's else that day and somehow, that made him feel elevated as he stepped out the company doorway.

He took a deep breath of the chilly air that whistled in the wind, A cold weather for a cold day.

Juni dropped his briefcase in the passenger's seat of his car and walked over to the driver's side, slipping in gently , he closed the door.

With the key in the ignition area, and his legs on the pedal and his hands on the wheel, Juni Cartel sat there still for what felt like hours, letting out another sigh, he started the ignition and cruised gently out of the company's underground parking lot.

Juni cruised down the road that he felt led to his house ,but instead,he saw himself on another familiar route and in Minutes,he was parked in Angela's hotel parking lot.

Juni gave himself a mental knock on the head and hit his head repeatedly on his steering wheel

"What the hell am I doing here?" He asked himself repeatedly

"Juni,what the hell do you think you are doing?" A different inner voice came to me

." I don't know"he answered

"Why do you want to see her!" The voice inquired again

"I don't know" he answered again,his voice on the edge

"Then why are you here?" The voice persisted

Juni frustration which was already at edge broke out and soon enough ,he was yelling

"I don't know okay?!I just met my self here" Juni said shutting down his subconscious.

He caught himself at the last minute and in some seconds

He was chuckling to himself

"Juni Cartel, you never cease to amaze me you know"he said to himself

" Am I going mad? "He muttered out slowly but the voice he was questioning was gone so he asked again as if to lure it out

"What am I doing here if I'm not going mad?" He thought aloud and then stopped as if on cue as a light shone on his face

It was a security guard with a Torchlight knocking on his car window.

Juni let it down "Good evening,officer ,what can I do for you?" He said

"I'm sorry sir, but a concerned guest reported that there was something going on in this car so I felt obligated to check it out as it is my job, is everything okay? "The officer asked searching the car through the window by moving the bright torchlight all over the car slowly.

Juni gave him a smile before replying "oh no, everything is alright officer,I was just talking to my agents,you know how frustrating those people can be"he stated.

The officer however did not return the smile "can I see your ID card , please?" He asked with a slight frown

"Ofcourse" Juni replied and fished out his national ID card from his wallet and handed it to the officer who frowned the more upon seeing the name

"Do I need to call more security or will you leave quietly?Mr Cartel" the officer asked still holding on to the ID card

" Why? what do you mean?why do you say that?"Juni asked totally forgetting he was not welcomed at the hotel but soon enough, everything clicked and he quickly composed himself just as the officer was saying

"Should I call security,sir?if you don't leave now,I will be forced to"The officer stated

" I will take my leave"Juni replied

" Glad we are on the same page"The officer stated giving Juni back his National ID card as he stepped back from the car and watched it cruise away from the parking lot outside

"Who was that,Bill?" Another security asked the officer who checked who checked out Juni

"Just another nobody" Bill answered and they went back to working.