The Path

"hey babe" carmen's voice flowed through from the other end of the call

"hey" Juni replied sounding quite giddy

"you sound different " she noted

"well good things just tend to happen a lot lately, you know"

"hmmm, like what could that be?" she asked and you could know in her voice that she was both amused and curious about what Juni had up his sleeve

"I got a job" he finally said

"really?" she asked

"yeah, totally. still an editing job at a book shopping company too" Juni replied 

"I knew you would get the best baby, you are really awesome " she praised

"what are you doing right now?" Juni questioned

"I am preparing to leave work for home, how about you?" she asked

"I am at home currently but want to meet up? I got something to tell you" Juni said and carmen chuckled then said

"I actually wanted to ask you the same thing, you know, are you reading minds now, Juni Cartel?" she teased