An Angel

"heyy .."someone called out softly to Vee and she turned around tp come face to face with Carmen


"she replied and paused "you are late" she added with a smile

"I know, don't rub it in" Carmen replied with a slight chuckle

"I know this is not the right time but you and nerdy are both kind of stupid, you know?" Vee stated with a smirk and Carmen sighed

"Don't start" Carmen replied but then Vee kept smirking up at her from where she was seated

"I don't know why I even bother" she added with a smile and Vee chuckled slightly

"its good to see you, Carmen" Vee stated

"it's good to see you too, Vee" Carmen replied and they smiled at each other before going in for a hug

Into the hug, Vee whispered in Carmen's ear "you owe me"