The Human

There was a knock at the door, Edna sighed and  twirled in her seat that fateful morning and looked at her table clock which displayed "8:20am"

" great. .just great" she said to herself sarcastically before calling out

"come in" 

And in came her secretary, Edna sighed

"What is it now, Miss Blair?" she asked whining 

"Morning ma'am .i wanted to ask if you are ready to begin the day's activities" the woman answered

"activities, why do I have activities?" she asked out, naturally Edna has always been a lazy human and that was quite known to her receptionist who adjusted her reading glasses and cocked her head sideways suspiciously at her boss who sighed

"what?" she asked

"its Monday morning, you know and even Mr Juni Cartel will be here soon, you don't want him getting a bad image of our company ,do you?" Blair asked

At the mention of Juni's name, Edna started reconsidering and sat upright with a groan