
"Fine. Leave. You'll probably get paid good money for sleeping with your new boss's best friend and make sure it's a lady this time, will you." Edna said harshly

"What the fuck are you talking about Edna?"

Edna was a bit shocked hearing her name from Blair's mouth. She was used to the usual ma'am she normally called her and this was just too sudden for her.  It sounded like she'd said something vulgar and deserved a hot slap but she wasn't her boss anymore so it was only fair if she referred to her as plain old Edna.

"Get out of my office Blair. Besides, you longer work here."

"I'm already on way out." She slammed the door behind her.

She stormed into her stall that was just at the corner of Edna's office and began packing the essentials. There was really nothing much to pack, most of the stuff on her desk belonged to the store but she still found a few that belonged to her like paper clips and a few pens and her note pad.