What's Best

Snap. He stopped moving. She searched his pocket to see if she could find a wallet or anything she could use to reach people when she got out. After much searching, she found his cell phone and a wallet with a hundred dollar bill in it. She was grateful to have at least found a cell phone in his back pockets.

She managed to get up reaching for the door handle till it opened. The door led to a pile of wooden stairs which led to an old abandoned house. She brought out the phone and dialed 911.

On the other end of the phone was a lady who said the same thing they always say when you dial 911.

"Hello this is 911, what's your emergency?"

Ralia managed to speak admist all the pain she was experiencing. "Hello..hello my name is Ralia and I was kidnapped and I don't where I am."

"Hello mos, what did you say your name was?"

"Goddammit. I said my name is Ralia and I've been stabbed."

"Stay where ever you are ms. The cops are coming to get you."