Another Loyal Secetary

Edna had this dreaded feeling in her stomach as she approached Blair's apartment door. She didn't know how Blair would act if she saw her at her door step, maybe she'd slam the door right at her face or she may not even open it. All she knew was she was sorry and would do anything to make it up to Blair.

She gently knocked gently waiting to hear someone approach it but no one did. She knocked again but this time a bit louder, still no one came. She searched to see there was a door bell but she couldn't find it any where. She was about knocking again when she heard footsteps from the other side of the door as they approached the door and started unlocking it.

She was a bit tensed to find out who it was behind the door. She started going on about everything she planned to say to Blair when she saw her. She didn't know the reaction to expect from Blair so she made sure she was prepared.