No One Else

"How did he find out?"

"Umm..Frank came to the store one time. It was one of those days you called in sick. He seemed all stressed out and I asked what was bugging him. He told me everything. How he didn't trust Ralia.. Blah blah blah. Juni was there to the very end." Edna tried to explain

"Fuck!" Blair cursed out loud in disapproval

"What's wrong with being gay?" she asked spreading her hands out as an expression

"No, nothing's wrong. I just didn't want it out yet until I was really sure about Ralia and I you know." Edna commented and all, her voice volume going a bit low

"Yeah I get it. I'm cool about it though. I mean I want fucking your best friend behind your back. Which I'm totally sorry about because that lying dog told me you already knew so I didn't think it mattered."

Edna let out a very loud laugh when she heard Blair call Frank a lying dog. She laughed to the extent people nearby turned their heads towards her.