Officer Levi..

When she realized that Edna would actually never pick her calls again no matter how long she called, she just stopped and thought of what to do. She obviously couldn't go after her because she had no clue what had happened to her or where she went to, if actually she went anywhere. She paced about the library thinking of what to do, making the people who came to read i.n the library stare at her. She made an awful lot of noise but she didn't notice because her brain was too occupied. She stopped when she noticed the amount of stares sh was getting and sat back on her desk.

Then she remembered; the cops! She was going to go down to the police station to report Edna's missing. She was aware of the fact that someone had to be missing for twenty-four hours before she could file a report for a missing person but this was urgent. With the increased crime rate going on in Prinston, she was sure someone would listen to what she was going to say, they just had to.