Proposal. Yes or No?

Shit was getting serious now. She tried so hard no to believe Edna but the look on Ralia's face made her think otherwise. "Are you serious about this Edna or are you messing with me...oh my god, can she be dead? Why would anyone even think of killing her? She was so nice and sweet. She was so selfless, always putting people above her at all times...and she was the best secretary I ever had.

"Ralia drew closer to Edna, wrapping her arms around her tightly while she sobbed. Her body was warm and her body viberated at the same time. It felt really nice to her, having Edna around her once more. At least, all her efforts to have Edna by her side again weren't wasted. She really missed those days when there wasn't any tension between them and she could just hold her wherever and whenever she wanted.

Edna reciprocated the hug and soon, they just stood there enclasped in each other's arms, none willing to let go.