Another Morning

By eight o'clock am, Edna was already up making breakfast in the kitchen, and Ralia still lay on the couch. She earlier woke up to find out that Ralia didn't return to bed with her the night before and thought she was gone for good until she finally went into the kitchen and found her on the couch. 

When she was half done with breakfast; egg and bacon with a hot cup of coffee, Ralia could perceive the smell from the kitchen and woke up to see where the smell was coming from. She peeked through the arm of the couch and saw Edna walking around with a spatula. She still had her robe which was a relief to her because she didn't want to be left there alone while Edna went to see Juni. She still wasn't used to staying over at other people's houses and feared that she might end up breaking a few things if she was left alone.