Chapter 7

A few months later, Shasha and I have been hanging out a lot with Caleb and Edward. We spent times together at Rose's and during lunch break. I was putting books in my locker when Caleb came and said

"Hey Shay"

"Hey, what's up?"

He looked nervous and scratched the back of his head. I gave him a questioning look and said

"What do you need, Caleb?"

"I need advice," said Caleb

"Okay, what about?"

"I want to ask Shasha on a date. And I need your advice."

"On what??"

"You know, does she like flowers? What kind? Where should I bring her? Do you think she will say yes?"

I smirked on how nervous this guy gets, just to ask Shasha on a date. It was cute.

"Look, she loves white lilac. Maybe you should bring her on a picnic date. She mentioned picnic date is her ideal date. And I know she will say yes. For sure on that one"

"Okay thanks, I owe you big time Shay," said Caleb with a relieved face, grinning.

I smiled and said "Make sure that she is safe with you. And don't hurt her Caleb. Or else I'm going to get violent with you"

"You have my word, Shay," said Caleb while giving me a scout honour

The bell rang not long after that. I went into my class and sat on my seat. Then, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Shasha

"Hey, I saw you talking to Caleb. He kinda avoiding me for a few days now. Do you know what's going on?"

I smiled and texted

"He probably just nervous"

"For what?"

"You will know later ;)"

I looked up from my phone to Shasha's seat across mine. She had a "wtf" look on her face.

'This is fun'

The school was over a couple of hours later, I was waiting for Shasha at her car. I saw Caleb catching up for Shasha and dragged her over to his car for a talk. I guess ;)

While Edward walked straight towards me, he had this smirk on his face.

"What?" I said

"Caleb just dragged Shasha for a certain "talk", let me guess. He's going to ask her on a date and you gave him a piece of dating advice, don't you?" he said

"Maybe," I said, winking at him

Then, I saw Shasha walking towards me with quite a speed and dragged me into her car.


"Tell you what?" I raised one of my eyebrows


I laughed "So you said yes?"

She was smiling from ear to ear and said "Of course, I said yes! I like him a lot."

I gave another questioning look to her.

"Okay okay, maybe more than a lot"

We both laughed.

That day, I spent time working on with Edward for our presentation, discussion and also shopping with Shasha. I had dinner with my parents that night.

"Shay, have you decided about our vacation?" asked my dad.

"Oh yes, I was wondering if we can go to a beach maybe. Somewhere near to Nanna's?"

My dad and my mum looked at me as if they misheard what I just said.

"Are you sure, honey?" asked my mum

I gave them a reassuring smile "I'm sure. It has been a few months now since I last visited Nanna's"

"Okay, if that makes you happy." said my dad.

The next day came, me and Edward were standing in front of the class presenting about a poem "A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe". The presentation went really well. Mrs Lewis asked me to stay back for a while.

"That was great, Shay," said Mrs Lewis

"Thank you," I said with a proud smile

"I have to ask you. How's it with Edward? Is he trouble?"

"No, it was a pleasure to work with him. He's smart and we did our part equally great."

"That's good. I know there is something about that kid" said Mrs Lewis

I can't help but think. 'Why is Mrs Lewis seems so worried about Edward?'

"Why? Is there something wrong with him?" I asked

"You don't know?" She looked surprised by my question


"His records aren't exactly good, Shay. It stated that he got into several fights inside and outside of school. His grades were top then it dropped drastically."

"Did he got suspended?"

"He did several times. But, it's okay. That was the past, maybe now that he is becoming friends with you. Maybe he will change, right?" Mrs Lewis said with a positive vibe

"Yeah maybe he will," I said with a small smile.

'I can sense his trouble but there is something more in him... I wish he would tell me one day'

At the end of the school, Caleb came to me seems in rush. He dragged me into an empty classroom. I was confused and said

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, but I need your help?" he said like in a panic mode

"Relax, breathe and tell me what do you need?"

He took a deep breath and said

"I'm bringing Shasha to a picnic in the evening. And I need you and Edward to help me setting up. I bought the stuff and the food like everything. So, can you help me?"

"What do I get from this?" I said mischievously

"Ugh come on Shay. Okay fine, what do you want?" asked Caleb

"How about this? You pay for my lunch for 2 months. That's my deal"

"2 MONTHS? NO. 2 weeks." he insisted

I'm not backing off just yet.

"Make it a month and that's final," I said while offering my hand

Caleb retreated and sighed

"FINE. DEAL" he said while shaking my hand

A few hours later, Edward picked me up from my house to the picnic location. Edward glanced at me and asked

"So, what Caleb did that makes you say yes to help him?"

I laughed at the thoughts

"I made him pay my lunch for a month"

Edward raised his eyebrow and said

"And he agrees?"

"Well yeah, it was supposed to be 2 months but I make it a month as the final deal." I shrugged

"But I got this feeling that you would help him with or without the deal" he began to question me

"I would" I stated, smiling at him

He laughed. The drive took 30 minutes, the view there was peaceful and beautiful. It made me remember my picnic with Luke the other day. I missed him. I smiled at the view. I felt Edward's gaze at me so I turned my head at his direction and said

"Shall we started?"

He smiled back at me and nodded. We finished setting up for Caleb's and Shasha's date in 10 minutes. Caleb texted me saying that they were 10 minutes away. That was our cue to leave.

Me and Edward went into his car. He asked, "Do you want to grab dinner at Rose's?"

"Can't say no to the Rose's" I said, smiling

He drove us to Rose's and we sat across each other and start ordering our meal. While waiting, he asked me

"Do you know why they called this place Rose's?"

"The owner of this restaurant/diner had a child name Rose"

"Had?" he asked

"Yeah, Mr and Mrs Crawford which is the owner lost their only daughter in an accident. She couldn't make it." I said with a sad smile

"Do you know the girl?"

"I did... She is the same age as us. My parents are friends with Crawford's. They are nice and very sweet people."

Edward gave me a sad smile. I began to ask him

"So what was it like back in Scotland?"

"Good, but a mess," he said

"A mess?" I questioned him

"Yeah, I got into trouble several times" he shrugged

I nodded and he looked at me... more like analyzing me, to be honest.

"Someone told you something, right?" he said

I looked at him surprised "What do you mean?"

"I can see it. Someone told you about my school records."

I felt ashamed of the fact that he can see through me. So, I just nodded and said

"I know, but I'm not going to judge you. You are who you are. I don't have the rights to judge who you are."

He smiled at me "Don't judge a book by its cover, right?"

I smiled back at his words and asked

"But why did you get yourself into the fights?"

"Long story, I tell you later-" the waiter interrupted him and began to serve us our meal.

After dinner, Edward drove me back to my house. I changed into my sleepwear and texted Shasha

"Hey, how was it?"

Within a minute, she texted me back

"Dreamy :)))"

I laughed "Tell me everything"

Shasha and I texted the whole night. She told me everything about the date. I'm happy for her, Caleb is a sweet guy. She told me that Caleb was being a gentleman and the fact that Caleb made it clear that he would kiss Shasha if they made it through the second date.

Apparently, Shasha told Caleb about her ex and that was why Caleb being a gentleman to not kiss her after just a date to show how much he is in control to gain Shasha's trust in him.

'Maybe they belong to each other'

'What about me?' 'who do I belong to?'