Chapter Eight

Home of Death


I felt disconnected from everything around me as I walked down the red halls, axe swaying back and forth in hand. The silence with the occasional sound of the fluids dripping out of the bodies hanging on the ceiling. But I didn't really pay attention to this, too focused on the thoughts of my sisters well being. Calia, after all, is a fragile thing. She is everything to me, and she is probably the last person in our family to survive, because I mean I probably won't be breathing in a few hours, give or take. What we've been taught in anatomy. The blood from the wound has already started to seep through my hoodie, the blood running out of the hoodie blended in with the other noises. So give or take, i'll die from blood loss

Was my heart beating? Are my legs moving? I feel like every nerve in my body has disappeared. I could feel my muscles though, including the ones that were missing from my body. It almost felt like the time my cousin broke her leg and the bone had shattered outside the leg.

A scream was heard from outside the campsite by the roaring river. Carrie was clutching her thigh as she screamed, I stood in place staring at her pain stricken face. Tears poured down her face as she cried, blood pooled out of the wound. Our parents never came. My reflexes finally kicked in as I grabbed my sleeveless jacket and the towel that we had brought to wipe sweat on, then started to rip the towel into shreds while dressing the wound with the jackets and tying it together with the shredded towel. Pushing her back down, I whispered, "I'll be right back, just stay here and breath." I calmly glanced down at her leg then took off in the direction of our camp.

Out of breath, I collapsed as I got to the campsite. Looking around for any parents. My eyes found the figure of my aunt, who was starting a fire for us to roast marshmallows. Tears spilling down my cheeks, i stumbled to her crouched form while stuttering, "C-carrie needs to go to the h-h-hospital"

Grabbing her hand I led her to Carrie's bloodied form.

They said she would've died if I hadn't been there to stop the blood from flowing out. Hearing screams in the distance knocked me out of the memory lane, it was coming from Lia's classroom. Waking up from the trance I was in, I swung the axe over my shoulder as I took off in the directions of the screams. Sliding on the gore and human flesh, I raced down the hall. Grabbing the wall as I peered inside with horror.

Bodies were everywhere….


Zay where are you?

I felt tears pour down my face as I watched sharp teeth come closer to my face. A sharp pain was felt on my arms as the monster clutched them to hold my smaller form in place. His mouth grew wider as he sized it to fit my body inside. I clenched my eyes shut as I struggled to make it release me. I just want my brother. I thought to myself crying. My hiccups made my whole being shudder as the thought of being eaten alive came to my mind.

The pain in my arms had suddenly disappeared as I heard the monster screech. I opened my eyes to see my brother, bloodied and ragged, yanking a piece of metal out of the beasts back. He then looked at me and yelled ,"Get in the corner behind the desk!" Hurrying as much as I could, I cowered behind the desk my teacher had once sat at , and watched as my brother continued to fight off the monster that was still trying to get to me. I then watched in horror as Zay missed the monster's head, the ugly thing then grabbed him and threw him into the wall, his body turned into a rag like doll falling onto the ground.

For the first time in a long time I yelled my brothers full name,

"ZACH!" I cried. He didn't move, not even a twitch. The floor creaked as it moved towards my cowering form, its sharp fingers grabbed my ankle as it slowly pulled me towards it. Trying to pull against it, I clawed the floor while grabbing anything I could to throw at the monster. "Let go let go of me!" I screamed and begged the monster, but it never let go of the ankle it had grasped in its ankle. I guess that's when I realized that this may be the last time I see anything in my life. I watched as it opened its mouth then,

I witnessed blood flowing everywhere, everything was in slow motion. I saw my brother who had brought down an axe on its neck, had a look of rage and favored its blood, tears sliding down his cheeks. Though, He had fire in his eyes. The head of the beast fell as its grip fell from my ankle. I stayed still, blood splatter on my face looking at my brother. He turned his head towards me and whispered,
