The Vilified Boy

On Earth, everyone knows that physics and time are two main forces that run through the universe right? But what if the earth was one of the many worlds that that was part of the multiverse and that earth is just the limbo between these worlds?

Man has tried to debunk this as a myth but over time, man couldn't help but wonder of the infinite possibilities that earth is part of the multiverse and no matter the cost. Mankind has clashed idealogy against reality for many years as people fight over the theory of the earth being part of a universe and a possibility that there are other worlds to explore besides the depths of the sea to the unexplored forests and lands waiting to be discovered.

Mankind has time to time almost destroyed itself from wars and manmade disasters over the years as nations collapse and people perish not knowing that many worlds are experiencing the same problems within their own boundaries, waiting to be broken and entered by otherworldly beings or races.

Worlds that are different to mankind where imagination runs wild without reality interfering with the laws and physics of each individual worlds and their different times.

Imagine where man's most loved anime and cartoon worlds existed within each other with just a tiny boundary to break through just waiting for a person to pass through the lines of reality and imagination collide and clash constantly.

From the perilous world of Remnant where Grimm is a constant threat to its dominant people in its world to a world where shinobi exist and fought each other with jutsu and powers beyond man's dreams. Worlds like these were separated for a reason as mankind doesn't take the imagination of the multiverse very well. As mankind had done to itself for the past 600 years, it has destroyed entire populations of natives to entire cities and vanished and forgotten over the ruins of the many once proud people lived and existed. Mankind destroying one country to another, forcing god to create a boundary of these world from mankind to prevent humans from entering these world and them repeating the same mistake of taking and destroying entire worlds to the brink of extinction and where people lose their homes and their planets from them if the barrier wasn't formed.

God then knew another problem, who would be the race to protect these worlds without them falling to the same fate as his favorite creation taking over other worlds and devouring their resources whole. God then created a new race of humans made by the bondage of flesh and artificial material made by modern flesh and holy property. He had created a race called the Belo's.

Belo's are a race of immortal like humans born with a different idealogy where imagination is their primary ideal indoctrinated to their people so that they wouldn't be corrupted by basic temptations man had fallen easy. Belo's throughout history fought man to defend their world and other world often times and every time Belo's prevailed and humanity ends up destroying itself from poverty, war, famine, and disasters that could've avoided but man had a tendency to destroy within itself.

During these times, half-humans, half demigods were born called the Neo's and they were more powerful than their full-blooded kin and kind. Both man and Belo are feared these Neos due to their powers being that of the Sharingan and the rinnegan as the similarities of their properties.

Man would make a mistake and scorn half breeds like the Neo's because of their inhuman bloodline and the way they and hated just for their existence. A boy would receive the worst named Ajei. Now Ajei was human fully but what he didn't know was that he was a half Neo and half god and because of that, humans bullied and scorned him just at the sight of him whenever they saw him.

Here now Ajei was the talk of the many people as he was walking around the school grounds "whats a freak like him doing here?" Or "he should just die" as Ajei in the inside of his mind was sad and lonely in the world due to his Autism he had which he had a hard time understanding things that 'normal' people would understand. Ajei felt alienated in society where he felt he didn't belong in the world and that he should just disappear into a fantasy world he desired because he found the tv shows of anime and cartoons comforted him and that he imagined he belongs in those worlds but sadly those worlds didn't exist to his liking. Ajei even hated himself just for being in the real world.

Ajei then makes it home and laid on his bed watching his favorite show RWBY which he found peace whenever he was depressed from the harsh reality he lived in since his mom left him and his dad strictly tried to make him a man but Ajei tried and to no avail. Ajei then eventually left his parents to have a stable apartment without him being told not his family always being mean to him and his own peers judging him in his own way.

Ajei always had fantasies of being in the shows where he was part of the characters he loved and adored and had also wished he was there instead of being in the human world where there were no weapons that can turn into guns and no superpowers that mankind always wanted but Ajei was a kid thinking like that.

"Wow she's so beautiful" Ajei commented when he saw Team RWBY talking to each other in the video he was watching in youtube smiling at them thinking "I would love to be there being with them and to have great adventures with them to love them with all of my heart so that they don't have to feel lonely like me in this pathetic flesh" Ajei said and felt tired and decided to sleep whole he played a song on his speakers of a peaceful acoustic song 'Time to Say Goodbye' from RWBY season 2 opening song but with sad music and as Ajei had a knife on his hand and impaled himself in the chest, Ajei felt tired and smiled while crying "its time that I join that imaginary world where I will live there and see them so that I won't feel lonely any more," Ajei said as he limped dead on his bed

Ajei smiled even in death as he felt at peace but saw a figure approaching him "are you god? Where am I?" Ajei asked as he was still was in his bloodied clothes when the figure spoke "normally I would have to send you to hell for wasting this precious gift I gave my child and yes I'm god" the figure revealed to be Jesus Christ "I'm sorry. I just couldn't take the harsh reality to be in a world or time where I can travel to different worlds I know and love" Ajei said and prepared himself for his damnation but didn't receive and god looked at him.

God had his hand on his shoulder "but due to the unfair existence that you received in your life, I decided to send you to the worlds you yearned to be in and I'll grant you the powers to be you where you were denied your entire life" God then shined a light on Ajei as he knew what this meant "y-you mean-" Ajei tried to speak but God smiled "I'll give you a second chance. Good luck on the new world Ajei" God said as the light engulfed Ajei and thus Ajei's adventure begins.

To be Continued...

It's my first time writing in Wattpad. Thank you for reading and be aware that the word Belo was my creation of an entire species and I'll explain as the story continues on.