Town Liberation

Ajei, Lily, Phantom, Kazaki, Luni, and Enju were infiltrating the town that was being controlled by a local rebel force, and the universe needed a spot to have a foothold of the realm so team APLK and the remnants of the locals were sent to establish control. Ajei went with Lily and Enju while Phantom had Kazaki and Luni to go with. The base was a mess of barricades, barbed wire, burning debris, exploded cars, and a huge mess of blood spatters everywhere (yeah typical apocalyptic cliche setting). Ajei slit a rebel's throat while Enju and Lily knock out a few quietly. They hid the bodies and wore their clothing to bypass the gate. The rebels look at them "oi is every clear Arieskoff?" The rebel asked from above. Ajei replied in a gruff voice to conceal his real voice "oh yeah. The stores and the area here are clean as a whistle laddy" Ajei tried to speak in snappy dialogue. Lily and Enju disguised as female rebels giggled at Ajei for his failing acting "oh who are these ladies you got here? Friends of yours?" The rebel asked and opened the gate "you could say that lad" Ajei replied and the rebel nodded. They make it inside and Ajei spoke through his hidden mic "get ready. The charge will be set soon" Ajei said and Lily readied the C4.


Phantom ends the call and sees Kazaki making Molotov's on standby "really Kazaki?" Phantom had a deadpanned face and Luni laughed nervously "yeah this was his 'secret' weapon he talked about if ever we were in an apocalypse scenario" Luni explained and turned to Kazaki "Molotov's are effective since well look Phantom. The base. What do you see?" Kazaki pointed outside and they were just so close to the base of the rebels. All they had to do was peak outside and rebels could see them and snipe them "their tents are flammable" Phantom realized with those camp tents being able to burst to flames when in contact with fire, it could spread by every tent and the entire base could go up in flames "I sure hope Ajei knows what he's doing" Phantom said to himself and hoped for the best.


I and Enju were setting up the portal while Ajei was glancing around us to see if any rebel spotted us and pulled out an unusual kunai. It was like a tri pronged kunai but it was a size of a short dagger "I modified it after Naruto gave me one of these" Ajei whispered and a rebel was going to ring a whistle when Ajei threw his kunai or should I say dagger at his throat. He falls on his back and alerts nearby. Seconds later, rebels start coming and fired. Ajei tackles me and Lily to cover behind a pile of tough tires. Age brings out his small machine gun "Phantom now!" Ajei yelled and we saw a bundle of Molotov's flying down "oh boy. Bit of overkill I see" Ajei said and killed a rebel.


Kazaki, Luni, and Phantom threw their share of Molotov's to the camp as they break, and fire spreads easily as the fire spread to the ammo cache and it exploded into a hail of bullets hitting everywhere. Bullets whizzed everywhere and killed many rebels. One was hit in the stomach, another was in his arms that was then torn off, a soldier had a bullet went through his mouth and gurgled before he died, and a soldier was hit by a bullet clean to the head and killed him.

The 3 teammates were flinching from the gory site of men dying but knew that this was bound to happen since there rebels after all.


They finished opening the portal and armies of Belo's march through the portal as they check the town for any resistance and occasionally a few gunshots here and there. The army soon secured the town as Ajei and the others regrouped and set up a resting place with the troops. Lily was checking on Ajei's body since he had been hit a few times with bullets and one was lodged on his chest close to his heart. Enju had to step out since she wasn't too used to gory details of the human body "Lily! You have to remove it!" Ajei said while Lily was going to hesitate since the bullets sharp edge could pierce his heart as it pulls out and could kill him but Ajei commanded her "it's ok. I'm immortal! Just do it!" As Lily pulls the bullet out and Ajei just grunts and breaths hoarsely "what how? That pull should've killed you" Lily wide eyed at his state "I'm tougher then I look Lily. I took many painful deaths long enough so pain is just a friend in this case" Ajei said while cheering Lily up to lift the melancholy of the room. Lily was scared that Ajei would die since he is half-human 'i just reunited with Ajei. I can't let him get killed' she said in her head as Ajei held her cheek "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon my Lily" Ajei said and Lily couldn't hold the strong feelings for the immortal human and kissed him as he fell on his back and both began to strip their clothes and make out. 

An hour later

Lily and Ajei were bare naked and cover by the blanket "hmm you feel so comfy" Lily said before the door opened and the group sees them and decided not to intervene in the aftermath of a romantic makeout "so Ajei ready for round 24?" Lily asked Ajei who smirks "why not" Ajei then took the initiative.


The town was liberated and luckily the rebels never harmed the civilian population and Ajei helped the soldiers make repairs as for the others well they were doing other things of their own time.

Kazaki and Luni were on a date while Enju and Phantom exchanged knowledge with each other to learn from the other. Ajei was sweating as Lily blows a kiss from a distance and his fellow workers were cheering for him "you're lucky you're dating Mr. Fuma's daughter" a soldier in his 40's commented and another "yeah mate. Have you two have kids yet?" As Ajei playfully hits the second soldier in the arm "please she and I are starting something here and having kids at such a young age seems a bit too soon" Ajeis said but he gave Ajei some advice "we don't live long in this life Mr. Ajei. I suggest plan it soon son. Who knows? We may never get a chance like these all the time" the soldier said as they set down the metal pillar "thanks for the advice. I'll keep in mind" Ajei said and left to hig Lily "how's the helping people job doing?" She asked "my people deserve to have their king work with them so that everyone is fair. No king should just sit back and let their people fight for them. Kings and Queens need to fight alongside their people to inspire justice and courage against the unfairness of the world" Ajei humbly said and knew the Old Belo Laws.

Lily and Ajei went to the school to his uncle "old man. We manage to drive the Uin Rebels (o-win) away from the town but still many rebels and various bandits run the area" Ajei told his uncle. He nods and dismisses them "oh and Ajei. I k ow about the relationship between you and Lily there. I give you my blessing as her sensei" he said and Lily blushed. Ajei smiles at her and the two go to a hotel. A few girls were jealous of her and had plans to earn Ajei's affection.