Battle of The River

Alica, Prim, and Phantom marching with their own army ad they were patrolling the area while Ajei and Maia wait for further orders from Lady Celestine. Prim looked at Phantom since he was the most serious looking boy she ever looked at when Phantom looked at Prim

"Yes, Lady Prim?" He asked and Prim looked away in embarrassment. Alica looked only ahead and saw a hanging dead corpse of a fallen. They see it and examine the dead fallen. He had a petrified face and his left arm was missing and his chest was torn with slashes and open wounds "damn they must be fallen around here. Be on your guard ladies. This can get ugly real fast" Phantom said and summoned his swords. Prim and Alica had their swords out. The soldiers Ajei provided had their swords and rifles out. They quietly walked through the forest until one of the soldiers got shot in the head and laid dead.

Alica and Prim had shocked face and witnessed firsthand at Belo warfare and gunfire turn to machine gunfire as they ran around for cover. Alica and Prim were protected by Belo Soldier in a circle as Phantom looked around for the enemy and noticed a machine gun nest in front of them but was among the sticks as its camouflage to conceal themselves. Phantom changed his sword to a sniper bolt action rifle and looked around his scope. He scans around and sees the flashes of the guns which was a bad mistake since the flashes of the gun muzzle gave the shooter their position and thus exposed their position according to Phantom. He adjusts his crosshairs to the shooter and fired, killing the gunner. The forest comes to a silent halt of gunfire. Alica and Prim peek and see a few dead soldiers. Phantom motions them to come to him. The group goes to Phantom without any noise and Phantom checks Prim and Alica "good. Those gunners didn't get to you" Phantom checked them for any wounds and potentially lethal injuries. They were in shell shock from the gunfire "it's ok. Many people and realms never seen guns and violence like this Lady Alica and Prim" Phantom comforted them and continued their patrol when stumbling on Ajei's Assassins.

"General Phantom, Alica, and Prim. I hope we weren't spooking you" the first said as two more assassins came out of their hiding spot. Alica and Prim again were in awe of Ajei's capabilities to squash the enemy quick and carry out various things at once with his army "are Ajei and Maia okay?" Alica asked the first assassin who nods and threw a flag of the enemy "Maia and Lord Ajei had defeated them with only a minimum casualties" the road ahead is safe" the second said but the third told them the bad news "they still have the river under their occupation" as Phantom sees the smoke at a distance away "bring us there" asked Phantom as they march over there.

Kazaki, Luni, Claudia, Kaguya, Luu Luu, and Celestine

They were hunkered down in a ditch made by an explosion as rebels hailed their hiding spot and were approaching when Phantom and the two female knights Prim and Alica came and flanked their forces and the enemy was forced to retreat. Phantom slashes a rebel before he could fire his gun. Prim cuts down a commander as he gets up and Alica plunges a sword to a rebel who was stumbling by his feet and helping Prim while defending her. The others got up after gaining a bit of courage to charge and risk a bit of safety. Kazaki laughs before slashing and slitting throats of men and Luni blows rebels away with her fan with her semblance. Luu Luu and Kaguya were back to back killing nearby rebels to avoid being overwhelmed. Claudia killed the rebels like a walk on the park and with grace slashed elegantly. Celestine used her goddess powers to subdue the rebels without killing them. The army soon subdued the others and they retreated to the mountains.

Hours later

They were resting from the cleanup whilst Kazaki and Luni explained to them of the Belo race and various facts about them. Celestine was surprised that the Belo Royal Family was always the willing family to sacrifice their lives to defend the universe "wow I didn't know that Ajei's family was burdened to lead their people while defending many worlds from such wars and conflicts" Claudia felt sorry along with everyone since Belo's have to sacrifice everything to keep the universe safe. A Belo Commander assured her though "its ok ma'am we Belo just want you and every beautiful people to feel joy and happiness in life. When you and all worlds feel happy, we feel happy my lady. It's worth it in the end" he said with a confident tone. Claudia smiled at his chivalry reply. His goon agreed also with yeah and oh ya. Kazaki was asked by Kaguya "are you a half demon cause your acts earlier was the acts of one?" She asked and Kazaki went silent "he went through a lot before we became what we become great warriors" Luni said and wanted to avoid such depressing past events from making Kazaki from going crazy. Kazaki held Luni's hand tight "never mind I asked that," Kaguya said knowing that such a topic was preferred not to be talked about.

The group of Celestine went to talk privately whilst Kazaki and Luni were checking the armies to make sure they had no problems. Celestine discusses with her knights "you all heard of the stories I told you about Ajei's father fought alongside with my mentor and he served alongside me when I ascended to the throne?" She asked her knights "yes we heard of the legendary King Ajex who killed many monsters and rebel humans in the name of peace. He was also feared by all due to his meticulous capabilities or bring down an entire nation down" Claudia heard stories from Klaus who told her of the Belo race before he was killed by her father in law.

Celestine then cleared her throat "yes and I made a promise and a wish we both made to each other that we would make a vow to be married but he told me that if he were to be killed or he is no longer alive, he told me to love his son just as I loved him long ago" she said and blushed and looked away. Her knights were shocked that she had a love interest in Ajei's deceased father and that he asked that if he were to die, she would love his son like a lover just as they did in her young years. Luu Luu smirked and knew what it meant "so he gave your permission to exploit Ajei like a lover" she said and all the others blushed thinking of Ajei "if you all feel the same way to Ajei and wish to give that love to him, I guarantee that Ajei will love us regardless of our race, status, and personalities we inherit" Celestine assured them and they nodded "its only fair since Ajei did save us and treated us like a normal person despite us being knights nor queen but regarded us as women" Kaguya said and smiled thinking about her and Ajei having their kid when Kazaki was leaning on a tree "ah seems like Ajei has a way with the ladies Luni" Kazaki said and Luni kissed him "yes Ajei has a lot on his hands" Luni with a sweatdrop on her head thinking of Ajei being pulled and held in place by the growing harem as he screamed for the pain to end and Kazaki thought also about his teammate's misery "can't wait to see that happen Luni" Kazaki chuckled and the two lovers leave the spooked group. Celestine was silent until they laughed at that joke about Ajei.