Slice of Life

A few Days Later

A running boy is seen in Beacon as a group of Belo soldiers were chasing him "hey get back boy" a soldier threw a box at him. The boy was a fallen who had an eyepatch, school uniform, and a bag full of cash "never!" He yelled as he continued to evade the soldiers. Team RWBY and JNPR watch the chase while some of them chuckled but Weiss was not laughing at the mishaps of the fallen "why do sometimes Belo's cause so many misadventures in times like these?" She asked no one specifically. A Belo Commander answers her "we Belo's like to make every day a fun day of jokes, slices of life, and youth life Ms. Schnee" he said calmly. Ruby and Yang were busy giggling at the chase whist Ozpin and Glynda appear to see the chase just as the fallen has finally been caught "oh come on lads it was just a joke!" The fallen said "yeah and my mom taught me manners. Let's go!" A soldier pulls him up and leads him to a classroom. Ozpin sips his coffee and Glynda sighs "boys" she deadpanned and complained.

Beacon Academy has been quiet for the past few days since Ajei and Team APLK  are in a mission and Vale has been silent from the crimes and Grimm has halted all attacks. Both teams miss Ajei and APLK especially his quirky behaviors. Weiss misses Ajei a lot because he is the only boy she'd ever allow to make love to her in ways she didn't think she allowed to a boy. Yang was getting a bit lustful thinking of Ajei since he knew how to please a woman of her urges. To say the least, they love Ajei for what he is and who he is. School continued throughout the day as usual besides a few mishaps and misadventures from people around Vale.

Glynda's classroom

She and a few fallen and Belo soldiers were cleaning up the classroom after Ruby had accidentally blown up a small vial of explosive dust and made a huge mess around the classroom and thankfully no one was hurt. She was repairing the desks and tables of the room. The fallen and Belo soldiers were carrying the destroyed debris out of the classroom, sweeping, mopping, and fix any damaged parts of the classrooms. They finish and get drinks (not the alcoholic kinds but tea, soda, or water) and some food to end the day "thank you Galak for helping me" Glynda thanked one of Ajei's corporal "its no problem. Lord Ajei specifically told us to help anyone in any way we can for people around here" he said proudly and chugged his soda. His soldiers were playing poker, their phones, or were waiting for orders from their corporal. Glynda sips her tea and had a question in her mind "can I ask you a question Galak?" She asked and Galak nodded "does Ajei have any living relatives living in the kingdom?" She asked but Galak gave her the news "no his only living relative died in 2010 of old age of 1,235 years old during the 300 year war" he said and Glynda felt sad that Ajei's grandfather died just as Ajei was still living earth. She then realized that Ajei is the person of the royal family since all of the other royal families served in the military and died in its conflict against humanity "Ajei took his place and is now the 424th king of Belerog" Galak smirked and Glynda wide eyed "the 424th king? How did the Belo Royal Family get so many rulers and heirs?" She was curious about the nations many kings "Many of our kings ruled and died at a young age as the years go by and humanity always caused conflicts over the years. The Royal Family often has many kids so that may be the reason why there are so many heirs in the family" Galak shrugged at the last bit of info. Glynda ponders at that as they enjoyed their peace.


Frankirk and Benexar were patrolling Vale after a heist went wrong in Haven and are forced to settle in Vale for the meantime "Emerald you do know that Ajei and APLK are in Eostia for a while due to the conflicts going on there and the post-war ordeals that afterward" Frankirk telling Emerald that her crush is in a mission right now "damn he's always on missions" Emerald complained as Benexar was eating his doughnut. They have been just sitting, eating, and rob some people on a daily basis since Cinder stopped her criminal ways and decided to join Haven as a result. Mercury was placed in a cell in a realm prison by the Belo Kingdoms due to him impulsively attacking Belo soldiers relentlessly and injured 34 before being subdued.

They were walking around freely as a Belo Commander saw them "you know if you wanted to see Lord Ajei. I could bring you to him you know?" the young man said. Emerald and her 2 fallen companions saw a young man with black hair, twin swords on his back, shades, commander attire, and a wooden pipe that people smoke in his mouth "Uhm sorry who are you?" She asked and the man laughed "I'm Toulgma (Tol-g-ma) at your service my lady" Toulgma said and the girl wanted to meet Ajei so badly that she accepted this strangers aid "yes anything to meet your lord whatever" she said rather rudely and her women nodded as they went with Toulgma and went on a ship.


She was pondering on her mind about Ajei ever since he had assisted Fiore from the rebels mere months ago. She wondered what Ajei was doing as her guildmates were doing their own business while Natsu and Gray caused a brawl in the guild and was forced to dismantle the situation to keep her company and to do some productive things for today.


She was doing some paperwork with Akeno who happened to find a photo of her and Ajei when they were kids. Ajei wore a simple tuxedo whist Rias wore a dress that revealed a bit of her body. Akeno giggled "Rias. You and Ajei seemed to be this close. I wish Ajei could give me that much closeness Rias" she said and licked her lips thinking of things Ajei would do to a sadist like her "Akeno. I and Ajei had a special bond during those times. His father and my father were the reasons why the 3 factions never went to war as long as their family stayed and protected us and the supernatural world. I love him just as much as Issei" Rias said and snatched the photo from her and blushed at her comment and looked at the photo. Ajei today still looks like as he was when he was a kid but matured due to his fair share of immortality and his infinite dominion over men.

Akeno again licked her lips "ara are you having lewd thoughts of Ajei aren't you?" She as sked and Rias scoffed "wha- no just dah!" She yelled in frustration and Issei came in the room "hey Rias have you seen my oppai magazines?" He asked Rias "oh ok sorry about that question. Thanks though" Issei thanked before disappears to find his oppai magazines. Rias and Akeno giggle from their lover's mishaps to leaving things misplaced.

Random location

A Belo finds Issei's magazines and reads them before blood spurt out of his nose violently and knocked him out.

Capital of Belerog

A commander was training a few men when a man was seen reading adult  magazines "hey where did you get that from private?" He asked and the private stood up "it was found in the ground here sir!" He yelled as the commander picks it up and sees a picture of the DXD girls and had a nosebleed "damn private for once you have good taste" he said and a few more men came and looked gawked at the magazines.


The author sees the characters doing various things and the screen shows him typing away his hands at a phone before a Belo soldier pops in existence and smacks author shows head from behind "hey what's the bi-" but sees the Belo soldier behind him "oh uh yes Garaf?" The author asked and Garaf shows him the smut magazines "oh that sorry" the author snaps his fingers and the magazine in Garaf's hand vanished. Garaf bows and vanishes just as his mom appears "who was that?" She asked "some guy from my story" the author plainly told his mother bluntly as his mother goes back to the living room "what strange phenomenon" he said before typing the final words in the phone of his story "TBS Authors Note: i have seen stranger things in Life but just  may have seen my characters from my story pop in of this world" as the author ends and publishes his latest chapter of his story in Wattpad.


AN Note: Wow I just Broke the fourth wall.