Hello Real World

The USA aka Earth

Ajei, Luni, Phantom, and Kazaki can't help but see the two teams be in awe of the city of New York of all places Ajei could've thought but planned to make a world tour of the human world "welcome to New York US of A!" Ajei yelled with patriotism in his yelling while some people look at him strangely "Uhm you might want to worry about that" Blake points and Ajei sees cameras photoing them. People began to crowd around them and Ajei panicked and teleported his friends to a different part of New York where people were just about their day "ok let's get some food in our bellies. I heard that food in New York is quite delish" Luni rubbed her tummy for some food. Ajei and Phantom look at Kazaki "she's a foodie so just go along with it" Kazaki advised them and ordered food in a pizzeria. People were minding their own business as the young teams ordered pizza and chatted about their life and Ajei laughed when Ruby told about their slice of life moment in school. They ordered Pepperoni, cheese, and pizza with various toppings to their likings. They enjoyed the food and when they weren't full, they went to an old style diner and ordered various foods from hamburgers to shakes. Ruby ordered fries and loved dipping them on the milkshakes. Yang liked the cheeseburgers and ate about 3 times, Blake ordered a salad and added a can of fish from her well secret stash of fish of you don't want to know. Weiss ordered an ice cream sundae and shared it with Ajei. Jane(female Jaune) and Rena(female Ren) ate basic hamburgers with fries and a soft drink. Pyrrha had a stack of fries with Nora who had 3 milkshakes for her dipping the 2nd plate of fries for her huge appetite.

Phantom had a salad with croutons on the salad in ranch dressing. Kazaki and Luni shared a milkshake with straws in the milkshake drink while looking at each other lovingly. Everyone in the diner was looking at them as if they were breaking the restaurant's record for most food devoured. Ajei and the group finished and see the crowd looking at them "well here's our payment. We would love to talk but we have a business to attend to. Goodbye!" Ajei said and they left the diner. A guy's jaw dropped at the amount of food eaten as he was cleaning the mess of the youngsters "what just happened?" He asked while everyone in the diner was silent.

Countryside of USA

Ajei drove an RV he stole from a robber he saw took and took the van. It was pretty ironic. A robber robs and steals an RV from a person and in return, he gets stolen in return by another person. Talk about bad karma for the robber. They drove to Iowa and ate a lot of ice cream which Yang and Weiss had to stop Ajei and Ruby from eating too much. They then go to Wisconsin and there they tried the various cheeses from the locals after helping a few humans and their problems. They drove to Texas where Yang and Nora were on Rodeos as the two cheers for their long ride as everyone in the bar was cheering so long that they actually won the contest and earned 300 dollars and a free meal of any cost paid by the restaurant. Safe to say, they got covered by the owner for the best Rodeo ride he ever saw in the young girls. In Las Vegas, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas when Yang, Ruby, and Jane gambled a lot of money as they overused the casino's money and lost a lot of casino money and ran away from angry mobsters. To the West Coast, they enjoyed the shores of the beach and here they are now.

The group of teens was enjoying their time on the USA cause Ajei asked Ozpin for a break for all of them and he granted them yes as long as they were close to each other since he knew most men on Earth were always seeking to have their way with women and girls for years. They were relaxing in the beach cuddling while Phantom was watching with his katana close to his side for any intruders. Eight guys who looked like they came from college approach them "hey ladies. What you say you ditch these losers and leave this loser whom you're cuddling with and we can give you ladies a good time" the leader of the group with an eight pack said and showed off his muscles, clearly he was egotistical in nature. The girls of RWBY and JNPR growled in anger and Luni prepped her fan weapon "no thank you, we are already dating him. We are sharing him with our love for him so no thanks" Weiss said and rejected coldly like a Schnee. The guys were so greedy and so lustful for the girls that the third with a six-pack and lean muscles looked at Yang's big bosom and the seventh looking at Blakes butt which she growled and hated men looking at her like that.

The others were looking at their bodies like playthings when Weiss turned to Ajei who was brimming with anger in his eyes "mind if we can show a bit of ourselves to these ruffians and show everyone in this beach we mean it?" She asked and prepped her rapier. Ajei smirks and nods. The girls look at each other and to the guys, they thought they had this in the bag "well how about this, you lose, we get to make you girls our girlfriends and leave these losers behind got it?" He asks but the girl's smirk. The guys smirk also but when Ruby used her speed semblance to knock the second out. Blake kicked the guy's crouch and chin knocking him out. Nora and Rena took their own perverts out quickly through teamwork. Weiss froze the first in ice. Yang punches the fourth so hard his ribs were cracked. Jane uses a wooden stick to whip the fifth male many times like a rope before he surrenders to her. Jane kicks him in the face hard to knock him out.

Weiss's opponent is freed from the ice and lies on the ground in shock. Ajei steps on his chest "were you saying something cause I see all eight of my magnificent girlfriends beat your friends twice the size of them yet all of you suck at basic fighting" Ajei smiled sinisterly which for the girls got turned on by his masochistic mood and Ajei threatened the boys "talk about my girls and look at females like their playthings and you'll receive no pride once I pull it off from your body got it?" Ajei asked to be clear with the boys who shake in fear. The crowd of people on the beach in shock that the group had abilities beyond human understanding and shook from fear at Ajei who seemed by the people's eyes as a person who takes pleasure in pain from his enemies. The arrogant guys leave and ran away. Ajei deciding that the USA would eventually get wind of this teleported to Britain.

Weiss's eyes sparkled at the city of London and its glorious buildings of old and new. Ajei smiled knowing that this kind of country was going to be a very special kind of adventure in his young life.


Finally, I graduated from High School now to find a job. Now I can spend more time making these stories so thank you for reading and taking time to check this story out and peace.