Special Flashback Chapter

Long Long Time Ago

(1945: Somewhere in The Multiverse during the 300 year war and the 'uprising' of anime realms against humans)

A human political figure yells to the many anime realm leaders "if the human's knew about this-" but a sword is plunged on his chest as he groans in pain and faceplants the table "now we can speak freely" a man in his thirties said and the many leaders of the rebellion look at him and knew "huh. Good riddance" a Belo wearing a hero mask (imagine the Incredibles eye mask) and a fur attire got up from his seat and approached the table "we're all your humble servants Master Ajei" a bulky knight with a triangle helmet.

Another Belo came on the table. The  soldiers ready to listen to the man "So Lord Ajei. What is the real plan?" He asked as the revealed Ajei who was possessing a human body was quiet as his followers look to him "war hmmm? The natural state of both our species. These humans speak of peace, just, and justice" he speaks as he pulls the dead human from his position as he falls to the ground and vents his anger to speech against the humans "yet these perverted human pigs flee from justice and are hypocrites to the very thing we are fighting for *slams his sword on the table* They're cowards. We must be brave for our people and the multiverse" Ajei said and his eyes turned red from hatred against humans "we cannot hope to trigger war everywhere. Not every faction will join our war against the humans and the American Ganji threat" a thin lanky Belo with monk clothing advised not to offend Ajei of his plans "we can if we recruit the rebels to the cause" Ajei said as his men gasp and muttered of his declaration to carry out this plan.

"Uhm with all due respect Lord Ajei but these rebels. They aren't motivated by love and unity. They only seek to create chaos. They're delinquents and young men who desire only chaos" a Belo lord beseech to him "who were we before our universe and realms were formed?" Ajei asked and The lords quieter and had no answers for him "anarchy. Anarchy was rampant when our ancestors lived and at first thought of it as a way of life but realized in order to survive this world and to have a stable empire without government, they formed many alliances with many leaders to form the very alliance the humans have tried to destroy but failed" Ajei looks to his followers who nod and listen to the tale of the ancient lords before them "these Delinquents you speak of have accomplish more tasks and rebel attacks on the humans than what the humans who fail at every battle in this war alone. They alone have halted the humans and made humanity suffer huge numbers of deaths with the price of many young men who could be gone to school, but they chose to fight for the people of Belerog and the universe who don't deserve to be touched by human filthy hands" Ajei said and the lords know of the cruelty humanity has inflicted upon their worlds and made many people suffer the consequences and many youths forced to take on the illegal side to survive the war.

Ajei raised his sword to prove a point "our lords before us count on us to make sure their lives we're not in vain but created a more meaningful cause for us to arm up against the human pigs" Ajei chanted and his men chanted "all hail the king! x24" as the doors are closed and the screen blacks out.


The Belo rebels have humanity on a tight squeeze as they spread from world to world, conquering back their lost worlds from human hands. The rebels showed no mercy to humans.

(Start at 2:42 and finish the rest of the clip. Imagine the machines are the Belo's and the humans are well humans)

They tore throught many anime cities and towns purging only on humans and not the inhabitants of each realms as discrimination killings on humans for years of oppression. Every world was not safe from the wrath from Belerog and its rising list of allies and surprisingly some humans who defected from humanity for immortality, glory, and Sympathy for the Belo's. They showed their violent and sadistic nature to the human alliance as a result of the human's constant discrimination and crime that has run loose from the neglect the humans swore to carry out but failed. The war also gave rise to a dead ideology to the Belo race: Fem Nazism.

Fem Nazism is an ideology for men who sympathize with women who are constantly abused, raped, harmed, and killed too many times and see their own gender as a flawed kind. The ideology is that if a man hurt or other things that relate to against women, men or a cult have the right to kill the culprit or race for the crime of the act. The religion became popular during the war as humanity kept constantly corrupted the universe and women were becoming more of the victim and crime was out of the charts. Belo men and many races of many men from many worlds decided to resort to Fem Nazism to protect the women and to avenge the many people who were afflicted on the toll of the war.

The humans we're overrun within a month and the Belo's advanced to many worlds to the point where the casualties where 70% of the killings out of 100% we're civilians who tried to flee but the rebels were given the go by many lords and ladies who accepted the request of the Belo Alliance. Humanity soon feared the Belo's due to their unfair killings of civilian life and the damage they can cause so as a resort used nuclear and atomic bombs to the Belo and the various universes to stop their advance. The humans hoped that they have perished along with the blast and send a large number to many worlds who were not affected by the nuclear bombs.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. The Belo rebels and various races instead of dying out from the blast and radiation but mutated from the atoms from the bombs and unfortunately give them special abilities to use against the humans. The huge armies of humans were soon overrun again as their numbers soon dropped and many were scared as they tried to hide from them but for every second, millions of humans we're hunted down and killed violently as they further advanced to many of the unharmed worlds and humanity was given no choice but to flee from their armies.

This gave the Belo's on earth to attack and open portals for them and attack all the superpowers of the earth and took out the weakest nations lastly since they couldn't hold back against the overwhelming 900 trillion Belo Rebels, Rogues, Criminals, Vigilantes, Soldiers, Loyalists, Fallen, Belo Sympathizers, Fem Nazi's, and the worst of them all, Half Breeds.

San Diego


A boy has reunited his half soul to Ajei whom smirks and looks to his loyal friends Toulgma, Rex, Baxton, Urkon, Regil, Oogma, and Stag "My lord. How's your rightful human vessel?" Rex asked his lord who smiled ear to ear "yes. It's better than ever!" Ajei smiles and the screen vanishes to black.


Sorry took too long. Busy life I guess