Kazaki and Luni


A young child with white hair and blue eyes was playing with his sister who had white hair and also blue eyes playing tag when their mother called "Kazu! Luna! Your uncle Phantom and Aunt May is here!" Luni came from the back slide door to the outside and the two kids ran to the front door. They open and Phantom came and hugs his nephew and niece "oh you guys are so fast now" Phantom said as his wife and child who as about the same age as Kazu and Luna. She had black hair and purple eyes.

Phantom's kid Phantainia

Kazaki's kids



The duo of the knife-wielder hugs their cousin "Luna! Kazu! This is embarrassing" Phantania said and the 3 4 adults laugh at their children "it's been a long ride since Ajei joined us huh?" Link asked Kazaki who just came home from a mission "yeah. If it weren't for him, we'd still be in school doing paper works" Kazaki said and Phantom enjoyed watching his shy daughter playing with her cousins "hey uncle Phantom. Where's uncle Ajei?" The kids asked and May giggled "your uncle Ajei had some other things to do kids" he'll make it up by bringing the kids over ok?" May said and the kids cheered and went to play outside in the backyard. The 3 adults watched and drank soda "is Ajei that busy?" Amy asked Phantom who was being cuddled by her "yeah. Ever since he became an overlord and eternal king, he has been quite busy being a star like the rest of us" Phantom said and Kazaki laughed "if I know one thing about Ajei is that he's currently with his kids while trying to keep them off of trouble" Kazaki laughed with Luni "yeah especially when his daughter Sapphire accidentally gave a soldier too much morphine" Luni telling a story before the 3 laughs to that memory of the hanging out with Ajei before their duties as parents began.

Kazaki and Luni hang out until it was late and the two families left and they were left alone as Kazaki and Luni went to bed for an early mission tomorrow.

Next day

Kazaki and Luni dropped their kids in their uncle Ajei's kingdom to much of their kid's joy to hang out in Ajei's deluxe kingdom. His castle was the size of the Pentagon as guards and security beyond high level as just a breach can result in a huge amount of traps to be set in both obvious and complicated places. Kazaki and Luni came forward to Glynda who was still young thanks to the energies from Ajei from the lovemaking that it gave them immortality sort of. Glynda smiles and hands them a paper "I have a mission for you. A few of Ajei's fans need an escort to his place" she said and Kazaki and Luni had just dropped their kids but regardless took the mission.

Anne's Earth

Kazaki and Luni waited for them. They were eating when the VIPs arrived and said their hello.

Alexia Bliss

Becky Lynch

You must be our escort and oh my goodness. You're Kazaki and Luni" Alexia said and took a selfie. Becky facepalms "sorry about her. She can be energetic" her friend said "no problem. It's not every day a star meets their idol" Kazaki said and shrugged the selfie he was in. Luni escorts them in a car and boosts them to another world. The VIP sees the city of Ajei's as people both Belo and monster were about their day and just minding their own business. They arrive in Ajei's castle as the girls were escorted by Luni and Kazaki since they knew where to go compared to Alexia and Becky not knowing where to go. They make it to the dining room where Ajei was telling stories to his kids when he heard them "oh. Hey ladies" Ajei stopped for a moment and hugged his friends "oh Ajei! These your kids? They're so cute!" Alexia yelled and hugged the three kids were Katrina, Fortuna, and Elizabeth. They pout from being hugged by women since they are acting like they are grown-up "hey just cause we are kids doesn't mean we like it" Katrina yelled and pouted which made him cuter. Becky fist bumps Fortuna "you are my daddy's best friends?" He asked with a cute child voice "yes. Your dad filmed starred us back a month ago" she said and Elizabeth shyly talked "you're n-not h-his boyfriend then" she asked with her nervousness for females her gender like her dad who is shy "no. We're just friends" Becky assured and first bumped Elizabeth's.

Ajei had enjoyed the company of Becky and Melissa as they eventually went back to earth with Kazaki and Luni escorting them and as they went to pick up their kids, a call comes in Ajei's phone "yes?" Ajei asks on the phone and he nods "ok. I understand" Ajei said and hung up "Glynda has a mission for us" Ajei said and left with Ajei asking Parasoul and the Skullgirls to babysit the kids who nod and left.

Glynda's house

She had a paper of a realms atmosphere and Glynda explains "this realm needs a teams expertise such as your APLK. I need you to help the JSDF aka Japanese Self Defense Force" Glynda said and Ajei nodded "Captain Itami needs our help ma'am?" Phantom asked as she nods "they have a rebellious of a prince named Zorzal has been in hiding and using Fallen Belo's to his use against the empire that he once lived in. Your mission is to kill or extract the target to justice" she said and the team nods while SSLT was somewhere in the universe clearing of crime.

APLK was on its own for now since Sandra was the leader of the group while Silva still never talked often and the team traveled to the coordinate provided by Glynda. They arrive at the ports of Ginza district and Ajei smirks "well it's good to be back friends" Ajei said and Kazaki pats his back while Phantom smirks and Luni in awe of the world's buildings. Anime cliche. Big bustling city and people. Anime style.

The team arrives at the supposed portal to the other world and we're met with Itami.

"Hello. You must be team APLK that Ms. Glynda mentioned over the phone" he said and Ajei shook his hand "yes, and you must be the Anime Otaku who became a soldier after the enemy came right through this gate" Ajei said and heard of Itami's success "it's uh no big deal Lord Ajei" he said nervously "please drop the lord part" Ajei asked him not to use the lord part ever "sure Ajei" Itami said not wanting to insult Belerog's king as he heard the rumors from people that Ajei as King was capable of wiping out entire nations and worlds for even the slightest insults to people and especially women. They go to a military car as they go through and a new kind of misadventure awaits those who knew of this world.

Other side.

APLK and Itami arrive in a camp site of Alnus Hill as an elf, mage, and a loli looking girl came and tackled Itami. The loli god saw the team "are these the soldiers that this Goodwitch send? They don't seem strong as much" she said and Ajei appeared behind her "ahh. Rory Mercury. I heard so much about you. My people, the Belo's have talked of a goddess wielding a black and purple axe. Would you fit that description?" Ajei smirked and Rory was smiling ear to ear "mmm an immortal being like me. Your aura is so intoxicating. It's like you and I were meant to be together" she said and everyone had teardrops on their heads. Itami introduced the girls to Ajei and his team.


Tuka Luna

Rory Mercury

"Hello. My name is Rory dears. This is Tuka and this blue haired mage is Lelei. We are under the care of Itami here" she said and Ajei and his team shake hands as a squad of soldiers arrive and Itami told them as ease "these are Soichiro, Takeo, Shino, and Mari" he said as they shook their hands, but for some reason. Shino was blushing at shaking and looking at Ajei's charm as Ajei cleared his throat "are you ok miss?" Ajei asked politely as she regained her composure "yes. Sorry Ajei" she said and gained her composure.





"We are team APLK. We are thankful for you and your government for calling us for the mission. Now what is the goal of this mission, may I ask?" Phantom asked and began to discuss "the runaway prince Zorzal has been raiding Princess Pina with Fallen Belo's or that's what they're called and Fallen who look just like your kind" Soichiro said as Shino jumps to the explanation "they've only caused raids and hit and runs" when Kazaki stabs a knife to the table "they're testing how strong their forces can get before singing the capital if it came to that. Thanks for calling us cause you may have dodged a bullet" Kazaki said in a graceful tone.

Ajei nodded "they are raiding for the big deal. Take back their leaders throne which Pina's residing. I'll call for back up *gets phone* attention all nearby Belo forces, we're in need of big guns. Send in the Belo Horde" Ajei ordered and everyone stiffened. The Belo Horde was a extremely violent regiment that had gained the fears from everyone. This regiment was the army that Ajei took from the Skullgirls rebellion and turned them into his own violent army reserve if a world or person needed to set an example of to ensure the message got across "uh Ajei. You sure that's a good idea?" Mari asked Ajei who nods "yes for the best Mari" Ajei said as ships flew over them as the base was seeing multiple Belo ships and men dropping to the base.


A couple of Zorzal's men were gazing at Alnus and we're about to move "Riffok. Let's go" he said and as he turned around. He saw his partner stabbed in the neck while gurgling blood as he was then decapitated by soldiers in black uniform.

The lone soldier tried to get away but a hook pins his shoulder and is dragged to the ground where the soldier with the mark with teeth marks kneeled to him "where do you think you're going?" He asked so statistically and brought out his kukri and his other hand held his hair as if he's pulling it "say hi to hell for me" he said as he began to cut his enemy's head as the soldier screams in pain and is stopped and the soldier holds the enemy's head to show to his two other partners "Lord Ajei. we've eliminated the target" he said and the soldiers leave while the third puts a bomb on the head on the bottom of the neck and threw the head just as the head explodes and they leave the gruesome scene.