28| When Fake Turned Into Something Much More Real

Emily's Pov:

Like the speed of the Flash, I rushed to the washroom. I couldn't say the same for when I wanted to get out immediately as I forgot to bring night clothes with me to change into. I closed my eyes to hide my embarrassment for those last words I said to Edward and that bloody chauvinistic exit.

Peeking out of the door, I saw Edward talking to Miranda about some files he might have misplaced and I took this opportunity to slide out of the door, almost quickly dancing in relief that I was still fully clothed in my dress, most strangely, still wearing my heels.

Opening the closet, I started to dig through my clothes to find something appropriate to wear when my eyes fell on something wrapped beautifully. It was a gift from Mia for my birthday. I tore up the decoration like a vampire and my eyes sparkled to see a totally new collection of Cadbury chocolates, all wrapped in a red paper.