Another Masterpiece

After the incident last night, the institution strengthened their securities and there were securities deployed all around the area.

Even outside the door of ladies bathroom there were securities on standby. I guess my family already know of this, that's why there were familiar faces that I could see among the securities that has been deployed.

So I must behave carefully, now that they have an eyes and ears around. One wrong move and all my plans will go to waste.

I was busy thinking on what would be my next step when someone put a dessert bar on my plate.

"Eat up, you look so skinny."

I smirked at his statement.

"Why are you here?"

"I just want to see your beautiful face that's all."

"Okay now that you see me, you can go now." I stood up and leave the dining hall.

"Come on, I was just kidding Xam."

"Just stop following me you idiot!"

"No, I won't stop. I will follow you wherever you go,"

"Suit yourself dork."

I keep on walking and turn to the left wing. I talk a big steps so he won't catch up with me. But this creature has a long limbs. My three steps is equivalent only to his one step.

So as much as I want to lose him I can't and that leave me with my last choice. I opened the only door located on the left side of the left wing.

"No!" He shouted but he's already too late.

When the door finally opens, a woman in her twenties comes out of the room wearing nothing. Upon seeing his beautiful face, the woman jumps at him and she kisses him hungrily.

And I take a couple of shots of them then I storm out. Leaving him with that mad woman.

I was on my way back to my quarter's when I saw a familiar figure sitting on the visitor's lounge. It was Ed and before he could see me I walk quickly and hid myself behind the plant. The head nurse come toward his direction and to my surprise he kissed the lips of the head nurse.

They went outside where the sports area located. I silently followed them and they sit in one of the bleachers.

"I can't take this conscience is killing me, you have a wife. And this is so wrong.. I'm sorry," then the nurse left him.

Before he could see me, I hurriedly walk towards the pool area. But I stop midway when I saw a red liquid scattered on the tiled floor.

Blood! Blood!

It seems like I was being controlled like a puppet. My body suddenly moves and grabs the bread knife that I see on the table. And walks towards a group of men volunteers who're enjoying pulling a prank on one of the female nurse's. And like a flash I moved swiftly and stab the man near his groin.

"What the hell?!" Cried by the male volunteers that I stab.

"Waaaah! Blood! Blood! O my goodness! Why did you stab me!" He cried hysterically.

While the remaining three were being rooted frozen on their place. It seems like they can't digest what happened.

I kneel so that I could level the female nurse who's sitting on the floor bathed in a red slime that look like a blood.

"You okay?" I ask her.

She just nod at me.

I wipe her face that is covered with a slime. After that I get up and about to walk away but someone hit me with a food tray.



I heard someone gasp, maybe from the other volunteers who stopped by because of the amusing scene.

I hear a buzzing sound that would make you deaf.


"Hey make him stop before it goes out of hand!" Someone shouted.

But no one stop him from what he's doing instead he hit me again with a tray. I felt a tingling sensation on my temple. I touched where he hit me and there's blood in my hands.

Upon seeing blood my mind went blank and grabs the tray from his hold. I hit him in the stomach, that made him arch his body. But I was not contented with that kind of hit so, I pull out the knife from the leg of the man whom I stabbed earlier and stab the man who is now curling on the tiled floor because of the pain that he felt.

"No! Stop! Please!"

But his pleads didn't have an effect on me. I lounge at him at stab his hands.


"Hmmm...perfect, just like a masterpiece." I said after I carve his arms and the blood keeps on gushing out from the stab and carve that I made.


"Nope..I'm not yet done with my masterpiece," I said as I trace his chest with the knife that I've been holding.

"How about I'll carve your heart?"

"No please, stop this please... I'm sorry.."

I was debating whether I should listen to his pleads or should I listen to the person who keeps on whispering on me.

"No, don't stop...make him suffer. He's a bad guy and a bad guy should be painted with red."

I tore his polo and trace his chest using the flat of the knife. I was so fascinated because I can smell fear and that makes me so excited to finish my master piece. And with a one swift move I start to carved my master piece on his chest.

But before I could finish it, I felt that the ant bite me. And my vision starts to be blurry.

"Call 911!" Someone shouted.

"Help me restrain her! Faster! Before the effect of the medicine runs out!" A familiar voice shouted from a group of nurses.

My kness starts to wobble and I felt that someone wraps a cloth around me and then carries me until we reach my quarter.

"Sleep.." after he said that my body shuts down.

And I felt his lips touches mine.