New found friend

The splashing waves of the sea and the soft wind of November completes the night life of the villagers. I look up at the clear sky above and see the glimmering stars.

I jerk up when I feel that someone puts a blanket around my shoulders.

"It's already late, why are you still here?" Aeonne ask as he sit beside me on the shore.

"I can't sleep, I need to freed some of my thoughts." I said while looking deeply at his eyes. Which I wish I shouldn't do. Because the moment he stared back at me I felt something strange. There was something his eyes tries to convey, the way he stared at me. But I can't grasp it because he suddenly masked it with his lifeless stare.

"There you are!" My shoulder jerks upwards when Clarrette appears behind me.

"Did I disturb the two of you?" She ask awkwardly.

Aeonne's the one who answered her.

"Nope.. not at all Clarrette, I was just asking her why she's still in the shore."