Postponed Party

The staffs were busy decorating the whole institution for the upcoming event. There were pumpkin jack-o-lanterns that been scattered outside the wooden fence, various designs were being put in the ceilings.

Like a giant cobwebs, some witch stuffs and other decorations related to halloween. The people in the kitchen were busy preparing some foods for the yearly halloween celebration wherein the family of the patient can stay overnight inside the facility.

They are so busy, that they didn't mind me entering the kitchen and stealing some sweet stuffs stealthily. After I successfully sneak some sweets in my room and pretended like nothing happened.

The bell rings, signaling us to come in the dining room for lunch. Before I went out there, I kept the sweets that I stole earlier under my bed. And hummed myself as I walk out of my room. The lunch went smoothly as usual and after I finish my food I hurriedly went back to my room to eat some desserts. But my smile suddenly fades upon seeing him getting all the sweets under my bed.

"Hey! That's mine!"

"Nope, I will return it in the kitchen." He responded at me.

"Nah-uh.. no way highway! It's mine! It is under my jurisdiction you moron!"

"Nope, this?" He shove a bag of peanut kisses in my face. "Are not yours, its for a day after tommorrows trick or treats. So I must return it back."

"Psh.. as if I know you're also the reason why they know that I am hiding my phone... I was so bored to the point that I stole a small amount of sweets in the kitchen," I said while pouting my lips.

He keeps on scratching his head, it's his mannerism when he's contemplating on what to do. I smirk at him upon seeing him in that position.

"I didn't have enough food in here, it looks like I'm losing my weight, omo! What if I got sick? For sure I will be hospitalized then I will be diagnosed having a severe disease, after that my body won't take it and then I will slowly becoming thinner and thinner. And it will come to a point that I would di-"

I didn't finish what I'm going to say because he suddenly went out my room and he close the door with a lud thud.

"Ugh! That heartless prick!"

But little did he know I still have a few bags of sweets that been tape under my bed.

-insert evil laugh-

I locked my door for saftey precautions, incase he will comeback again. I slump in my bed while putting some homemade peanut kisses in my mouth. I've been here for almost a week and half and I'm so bored as fudge.


The cold breeze of October brings a calming effect in my system. I look at how peaceful the sky is, although it's a bit cloudy and I can't see a single star at all. It is indeed a calm before the storm. The staffs postponed the supposed to be halloween party, after the PAG-ASA announced yesterday that there will be a storm approaching the PAR (Philippine Area of Responsibility) and they said that it could be a super typhoon. And it's landfall for will be on the day after tommorrow exactly at twelve noon. So instead that the institution will continue the party the head decided to postponed it for everyone's safety. The emergency kits, food packs and other stuffs that are needed are already prepared by the stuffs. The local government also give a notice that there is a probability that the storm surge will occur. That's why the people living near the shore were being evacuated. As for us since the institution is located in a cliff which is kilometers above from the shore we still prepare some life jacket for precautionary purposes cause. It is better to be safe than sorry.

"Hey, why are you sulking here?" Hanuel ask me.

"Nope, I'm not sulking. I'm just enjoying how calm the sky is tonight." I answered her while looking at the sky.

"Yeah... you're right, it is so calm that you didn't know there's an approaching storm that will strike in our country."

Silence filled us. This is the kind of silence that makes me at ease. We're just savoring this kind of moment where we could understand each other through this kind of silence. Just like the sky tonight we were so calm that the people didn't know what kind of storm will strike ahead of us.

Our hair are being blown by the wind, good thing I'm wearing my sweatpants and pullover shirt. It helps me keep warm atleast.

"It's getting colder lets go the rain will fall in any minute," I offer my hand at her.

We walk side by side 'till we went inside. I was thankful that it is Hanuel who found out that I sneaked out from the institution.

All staffs are so busy, they evacuated first the patients who have a severe mental disorder to the main branch which is in the central part of the region through a private jet, where it is has a complete facility and the only concern there is the gustiness of the storm's wind.

"Okay let's go on the 3rd floor. Everyone's already their." Hanuel said.


"No more buts, it's already raining and anytime the wind will be getting stronger." She said while dragging me to ride on the elevator.

When we arrive, they already setttled on their designated makeshif rooms. While the stuffs are giving some packed meals to everybody. I suddenly remembered that I didn't eat since breakfast because I'm so mad at NK for always keeps on nagging at me. And also the reason why I sneak out of the institution for a while. It is already past nine in the evening and the heavy rain falls. Followed by a strike of a lightning.

It brings back a painful memory at me upon remembering this kind of scene, the only difference is that I was with everyone while waiting for the storm to strike. Where we assembled ourself here on the third floor where we could assume that we will be safe here.


I lifted my gaze at the person who gives a packed meal at me. I look at his eyes.

"What are you doing here brown eyes? If you're here to bribe me, I won't fall for that."