Center of attention

I am woken up by the sunlight that peeks through a curtain. I get up off bed and I grimaced. My whole body aches because of my activity last night.

"Aaahh.. last night's activity is a bit rough," I mumbled to myself.

I check my body in a mirror and I could see some bruises on my body. Some are turning blackish-purple. And damn that man! He give me hickeys on my chest, jaw and neck? What the?! And I need to see the doctor I cannot lift my left arm, for sure it I got a broken bone. Luckily my nose isn't broken.

I am limping while I make my way to the bathroom. I take a hot shower and damn! It is sooo effin' relaxing. The aches that I feel in my whole body suddenly lost. After I take a bath I put some ointment on my cuts and put a lot of concealer in my bruises and hickeys. I walks towards my closet and wear a turtle neck shirt and a training pants.