Operation: Save Maliah

A loud banging coming from my door disturb my afternoon siesta.

"What the hell is your prob—"

"Surprise! Surprise!"

"Damn! Why are you all here?!"

"We heard that you're sick."

"Yeah.. I'm sick because Kai put some laxative on my drink yesterday. Damn that psycho woman!"

Hanuel laughs at my face.

"Sorry.. it's just that you still didn't learn after what she always did to you back when we're still in elementary.."

"Tsss.. I thought she already change."

"The word CHANGE is not in her vocabulary Lav. Next time when she said that she already order you a food don't accept it. Just buy your own food."

"Okay, okay.. I'll keep that in mind. Speaking of the incident yesterday. You owe me an explanation."

"Why?" Hanuel ask innocently.

"Don't pretend as if you didn't know what I mean," I glared at her.