Aniyah and her little secret

As soon as I get into the car, the atmosphere thickened. I could see how frustatingly he clenched his jaw.

I put my hand on his thigh, the reason he clenched his fists.

"Why so serious?" I ask him seductively.


He grabs my waist and pulled me closer towards him and he kisses me with so much urgency.

Our moans filled his car as we keep on kissing like there's no tomorrow.

His hands started to roam around my body. I break from the kiss when I felt his hand landed on my thigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. it's just want to continue this in your flat." I smiled at him.

He started the ignition and dash towards his place.

As soon as we enter his room we resume what we did earlier.

He push me towards the bed and straddles on top of me as he starts to unbutton his dress shirt.

He's about to unbuckle his pants when I flip us over. Now I am on top of him, I start to dry hump at him.


"Yeah... uhhh..ohhh.."

"Yess! Yes.. faster...aaahhh,"