Chapter 14

I am currently arranging my belongings in the room I have chosen.

There are four rooms in this dorm or should I say... House

The 3 rooms are bedroom while the other one is I think library, because it has a lot of books there and it looks like a study area to me.

The bedroom, as I expected it was also beautiful. All bedrooms have their own bathroom and walk in closet. There is also a table top. The room is not very big, it's just enough for me.

Even though I come from a rich family, I am not like everyone else who wants everything to be new. In fact, I prefer a normal life, those who do not have bodyguards around you every day, those who can go to different places freely, those who are okay even if you make friends with everyone, those who are not other people will talk to you because of your state in life, those who will not judge you just because you are rich, those who will not talk to you because of issues, those who are okay if you do what you want.

I know how to cook, I know how to clean a house, I know how to work, I can do all that. What is I don't know is why they can not do that?

Why they can't leave without money? why do they want to always be in the lead?

Well, technically speaking, I'm talking about my father and my step mother.

why? it's simple, because they don't want anyone else to be rich and powerful than them. Obviously, the reason why they want to restore the company is because they want our family name to lead again the title of richest family in the whole country. they want a lot of money. so they want me to marry .. what is his name again? Paulen? yeah, his name Paulen.

Mommy's siblings who run the three companies know that what daddy wants to happen is impossible. It is not that easy to get back the millions we lost.

It seems that as they try to recover the company it loses more and more.

If only mommy was alive ... maybe everything will be fine.

I sigh, I here reminiscing again. Sometimes, reminiscing for me isn't a good idea, I will just lead me into dramatization.

I just continued arranging my belongings, I put my clothes in the mini walk in closet here in the room. as well as my other belongings , I have also placed where they should be placed.

When I finished arranging my belongings, I lay down on my medium sized bed in this room. I just now focused on the whole appearance of the house. Earlier when I entered, all I understood was to fix my belongings.

When it comes to the color of the whole house, it is cream white. There are also mini paintings hanging on the living room wall

The doors here are pure brown.

The color of the bedroom wall is a mixture of light brown and muted green, as is the color of the bed cover, as well as other rooms has the same color.

The one room I said library was full of books, reference materials, fictional books, entertainment magazines and manymore.

It looks like I'm going to get tired of books here, well not because I don't like books, but I didn't say that I like books, maybe I just like books. Not too much not too little.

I prefer plants, because maybe that's what mommy and I always did when she was alive, to take care of the plants and hang out in our garden.

I immediately remembered, the things mommy and I did when I was young. When she is not in the office, I am always with her in the garden, we water the plants and remove the dead leaves. Then once, we both get wet because we played the water when we water the plants.

When daddy comes home from the office he scolds mommy and me because we are both wet. But his anger towards the two of us will not last long because he says that he loves us very much.

But now...

Ah! I said I will not reminisce again, what am I doing?

I am very bored now, if daddy just enrolled me in the school that I want, I should be in the classroom right now, learning things and enjoying the first day of the class.

I'm not sleepy, I'm not hungry, my body is hurts and I'm not in the mood to go out. What should I do? I also don't want to read books beacause I will just fall asleep.

I saw board games in the library but who will be my playmate?

I sigh, the house is big, but still... it's just me.

Now I miss my little sister Merra, she is the only reason why I want to be at home, she is the only one I talk to there even though she does not answer me. If only daddy hadn't sent me here I wouldn't be sad like this.

Ugh! I really don't like their decisions!


I did not realize that I had fallen asleep.I woke up when I heard a crack from outside.

I stood up and fix my clothes, I prepared myself for what would happen when I came out of my room.

they say that the security is tight here? how did a thief enter my dorm? As far as I remember, I locked the door.

I heard a noise again, now it's not just a crackle, something has fallen! something broke!

I accelerated my walk to the door even more.

When I came out of my room I closed the door again. I slowly walked closer to the stairs. I tried to see if I could see who the person was but I did not see anyone in the living room.

I went downstairs and the living room looked good. There was no moving object, what it looked like when I arrived earlier, it still looks like that until now.

I tilted my head, am I just imagining the sound? but it's impossible, the sounds I heard was real!

I was planning to go back to my room but I heard another noise, it came from the kitchen and I heard someone opening a ... stove?

Don't tell me the thief is hungry and he is here to cook and eat?

You gotta be kidding me. The thief will not do that.

I walked over to the kitchen.

I first saw the back of a man, he was cooking .. what is that, French fries?

Yes, he fries French fries.

At first glance, this man looks harmless. He was thin, but tall. The bhuok is also a bit long but not ugly to look at.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. He seemed surprised because he was still able to throw the spatula he was holding.

He even acted like he was hurt because he was holding his chest.

"MY GOSH! YOU SCARED ME!" My eyes widened the way he said that.

GOSH! is she gay? well, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being gay but.. his handsomeness is uhm. unbelievable. For pete sake! he looks like a model for me!

From his eyebrow to his jawline. I can call him perfect. More perfect than Marcus, speaking of Marcus .. how is he? it's been a year.

Well why do I suddenly think about him, maybe he forgot about me. And I probably remember him because he looks like this man.

You can see his jawline, his eyebrows are also thick and his eyes are dark brown. Sharp nose, red lips, Gosh! if he hadn't just talk like that I might have think that he's really a man.

"Oppss, I know what you're thinking .. Yes, I'm a gay and I'm harmless" he said and laughed.

I smiled at what he said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

Before he could answer I heard someone speak again.

"Hi" someone from behind me said , I looked at who it was and I was surprised to see the woman who accidentaly pured her water on another woman's clothes earlier.

What is his name again? she-

"I'm Lucky" she introduced

"I'm Julien" the man introduced

"You, what is your name?" Lucky asked me

"Terra" I simply answer

I looked at them both and they just smiled at me.

I am comfortable to them,

but why are they here? are they my dormates?

well if they are, it's okay with me. Atleast I will no longer be lonely here.