Chapter 29

"Why do we need to talk about that?" I asked him right after he said that.

I just don't get it. Why do we need to talk about that marriage? Isn't clear for him?

"What? You're not going to talk?" I asked again.

He is supposed to open his mouth but my phone rang, I looked at it and saw that Nanny Mena is calling.

"Wait here for a bit, my nanny is calling," I told him and excused myself to go outside.

"Hello, Nanny? How are you guys there?" I asked as I answered the call.

"Terra, your father." She started and I felt my heart skipped beating for a second.

"Why Nanny? What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"He's gone." I was shocked by what she said, my knees became weak and I lost my balance.

I am ready to fall to the ground but I felt Stan behind, catching me.

"N-no Nanny, Please say that it's not t-true," I said while my whole body is trembling.

"I'm sorry Terra, let's just talk here at the house. Go home for now," she said before hanging up.