The Nightmare Mage Chapter 4: A New Beginning

All of the chosen players got reincarnated as soon as the timer reach [ 0:00 ] And i was born, and raised in the [ Alyston Kingdom ] ruled by a cold, and sharp looking queen.

She was the 3rd strongest queen among the 5 queens, and they gave her a title " Fearless Queen ", and there's a reason why they call her the fearless queen. Its not because humans and high ranked monsters were scared at her, but instead, the determination she showed in the [ Chaos Land ].

In this world, the land of human, and high ranked monsters have been seperated, and the only way to get in to the Chaos Land, is through a giant sculptural gate, and this gate is located inside of the cave. And before you reach the gate, you will have to fight thousand of different species of low ranked monsters , and the cave was wide and confusing.

Only the 5 queens and their strongest knight on the kingdom survive, and successfully reach the sculptural gate, and the queen of [ Shiverblade Kingdom ] said.

" Amelia, do you still have the [ Soul Key ] or did you lost it?. "

" I still have the Soul Key the moment we got here, and it disappeared. "

The sculptural gate suddenly open, and the knights of each kingdom suddenly put their shield in front of them. And when the gate opened, the world is completely different, there were thousands of scattered sword impaled to the ground, and only one gigantic sword was impaled to the ground, and at that time, it was raining, and the queen of [ NorthVale Kingdom ] Said.

" I sense a strong aura of a different monsters species, and they are all getting closer. We should retreat for our own safety, and we shall all return once we recruit strong allies on our kingdom. "

The queens of each kingdom didn't hesitate anymore and return back. But the queen of [ Alyston Kingdom ] , Amelia, still didn't go back. Because there was a newborn infant crying near to the impaled gigantic sword.

The infant was in the basket, and she was crying loudly, Amelia knew that, the 4 queens heard the infant crying, but they choose to ignore it.

Amelia touch the baby with his right hand to the infant cheek, while she was wearing an armor, and she suddenly took the baby with her, and goes outside of the gate. And the gate suddenly close, when Amelia goes back. And the queen of [ Shiverblade Kingdom ] , Cilia, said.

" Is there a reason why you took the baby Amelia?. "

Amelia then said to Cilia, while she was carrying the baby.

" I sense a strong energy from her, and not only that. I wanted to take care a baby, and raised her to be a strong and healthy girl. And soon, she will be the one to lead my kingdom. "

" Are you planning to give her your crown and throne Amelia?. " Said Cilia.

" I have my own reason for that Cilia. " Said by Amelia.

Cilia then said to Amelia.

" What will you name her Amelia?. "

" I will name her " Alicia Eloston ". "

After that, they all return to there kingdom. And one year has passed by, and all of the queens and other females on the kingdom suddenly got pregnant, and this is where all of the chosen players got reincarnated.

They all know that they will get pregnant at that day. Because they all have a dream, that, the goddess Ariel will grant them a child, and there child will grow strong, and they will become the protector of humanity.

And other chosen players were born to a poor family and some were born to the kingdom.

I was born in the [ Alyston Kingdom ], where queen Amelia gave birth to a baby boy, and she gave him the name Shio Eloston.

And now, the queen had a two adorable baby. But Amelia didn't sense any magic power from her baby boy, but that doesn't mean she will abandon him. 16 years have passed by and Shio is now 16, and her older sister is now 17.

And his sister was a strong and courageous girl, and has a high aptitude of magic power. And because of her beauty, some nobles tried to propose to her, but they failed to get her attention.

His sister has a white gorgeous short hair, and had a big and developed boobs with a fierceful looking eyes in a black royal suit, whereas, his mother Amelia, had a long black hair with a fierceful looking eyes, and have a big, and gorgeous, developed boobs, in a black royal dress.

And Shio has a short black hair with an average face of a human male, and he have a low magic power, and with that low magic power, he can't even beat a [ Low ranked Slime ], whereas, his sister can beat a [ Middle ranked Dragon ], Shio was so weak that he became so useless in the kingdom, and the only friend he got is her older sister, and she always defend him when someone bully him at the academy.

One day, when they were eating at a long royal table at the kingdom dinning area. Amelia walk closer to Shio while he was sitting, and Amelia said to him with a serious face, while Shio was looking at her.

" There's something i want to tell you Shio. "

" What is it mom?. "

Amelia then said

" There's an upcoming tournament in the [ Eternal Arena ] and all of the kingdom were invited in it, do you want to participate?. "

Shio was thinking deeply and he then said to her mom confidently.

" I wanted to participate in the tournament to show eminence to our kingdom, but i'm very weak, and i don't think i can do it mom. "

Alicia then stood up who is 3 meters away from the table and said to Shio with a cheerful voice apart him.

" You can do it my little brother!, its time to show them that your not that weak!. "

Shio had a down face at that time and said.

" C c-can I really do it?. "

Amelia then put her right hand to Shio head, and said to him.

" I know you can do it Shio, and if you ever need help practicing magic or swordsmanship, your older sister is there to help you. "

Alicia then said to Shio

" I will help you get stronger my brother!, just tell me when are we gonna start the training!. "

Shio then confidently said, and raise his head to her mother, while he clenched his fist.

" Alright, i will join the tournament, and bring glory to our kingdom!. "