Chapter 21

I went to visit the Ottave’s garden.

This is where James and I used to play.

I suddenly miss that time.

The time when everything felt normal.

The time when my only concern is to play and enjoy life.

The time when I thought that I have a normal family. That just like the other kids, I was also made out of love.

That is why I got so excited to meet James again because he is one of my happy memories when I was young.

I then thought of what Manang Lucy ask me a while ago.

What if I knew that I am originally arranged for James and not to Andrew? Will things be changed?

I have a feeling that I knew it that time, then things will not be like this.

“It seems like something’s bothering with my princess.”

I automatically smile when I heard James’ voice. That was his endearment to me before.

“You surprise me with your revelation eh!” I told him.

I heard him chuckled and sit beside me.

We both watched the sunset as what we always do before.