Captain Mosley and Region Captain Milton

Entering captain Mosley chalk and region captain Milton Chalk, both patient men with a sense of poetic justice. They'd both served in the war as officers, Milton was the higher rank of brigadier captain and Mosley was captain. They grew up in the estates with a private and privaledged life, getting most of which they wanted in return for a small job. It was house bound duties and work with they're father in the police force that gave them the task master style of approach they hold now.

Milton was the oldest and was held in most esteem by both parents, because he showed the drive to take charge and know what and when to do a set task. He'd never issued a task without once at least doing it himself. Mosley was more of a 'look before you leap but with your eyes open' kind of man, he never used to be this way. He'd be the boy who would get stuck in with the rest of the crew and getting his hands dirty. It was a way for him to know the job was done correctly and most efficiently. He had a definition between smart and clever, and effective and efficient.

For him clever was being smart where said knowledge was applicable and effective was the measure of the task with efficient being the approach of the task. He preferred clever and efficient over smart and effective for obvious reasons. One could cleverly infiltrate and efficiently evade detection if done correctly. He was always like most of the scrapper type of boys in his street looked down upon yet called upon consistently. He grew to resent how his brother got higher command over him when he never got his hands dirty over anything. To Mosley it was a sign of weakness. To him Milton was a typical officer.

Milton had a view much closer to how his family grew up living in the clean estates of the south. His family had a small army of servants and gardeners around the property that had cheap accommodation in the back corner of the land. They were poor and desperate people with manual labour skills, and were willing to do anything for extra pay and hours. Some got paid to damage property, or hurt others in the neighbourhood that were seen as trouble. If they got caught noone would vouch for them, they were on they're own against the courts. That's how the chalk family knew Bill Rodney, he was one of the boys sent to damage property and seriously hurt others on a little extra money. He was used a lot for his slender and slightly short build but tough and rumble attitude. This was before the war came calling. When the war did call the wealthy families got to choose to opt out if they were a cog in the economic machine of the nation, otherwise had no choice. They're father sent Mosley first because he was well aware of his gang antics but never said anything out of fear of his image. He figured the war would put his antics to an end, it only gave it a stronger purpose once he returned and joined the police force specialist forces. In the war he was a unit commander on the artillery line, which was far from the front line. He learnt to operate all seige guns and airships independently and gained unit commander before deployment.

Milton had a choice between joint the cabinet of investors in his father's business as an exporter or join the officers unit. Out of fairness he joined the officers unit and planned many of the operations throughout the war, of which will not be described due to being classified. He'd enjoy good food, drink and accasionally the company of women. He was still living the high life outside of his officer duties even in war time. He sent orders directly to his brother and those orders were passed down to the front line.

When both returned from the war they both joined the specialist police force and took leadership roles after some training. Again Milton used his connection to his father's company cabinet to gain higher rank whereas Mosley joined ground forces and took the fight to the crooks. Both despised each other's ambition and means of success and sought to rule over each other, this still carries on with policy and plotting through politics. They're father wanted Milton to join his company but still respected him for joining a noble cause such as the police force. The war gave them a sense of duty with family connections a means to reach the higher points of authority with less struggle. They'd attacked quietly many smaller gangs to start with under the disguise of another many times. Mosley organised many retaliation based ambushes in the slums, in the lads army, and into the gypsy trade routes to mould the map as he was ordered and saw fit. Milton didn't care much for how, only that all information and results went straight to him. He would get the credit for it anyway over his brother, his brother just got it done for him as usual.

Mosley very much cared on the efficiency of the job, and hated that he'd never truly get the recognition he felt deserved for countless years in service to his country both in the army and police force. His brutality had increased over the years and results were far less polished over time, which Milton didn't mind as it just made each mission look more gang related. The very effect he was looking for. The specialist police were not in the same element as the local police nor border police, they were meant to stay hidden and hide from the public eye. They could not allow government property to be used in nefarious activities without police authority, to which is why Milton sent his brother to step on Mr Rodney for being the figurehead in the theft of a government airship. He did not care that he didn't steal it himself nor set foot on it, only that the officer in charge got told the rules of engagement. To Milton victory could only be truth when it's told by the victor. He always wanted to be victor over the dead, he was very competitive. Mr Rodney had set off a contingent mission by letting the gypsies steal a government airship, especially letting the night witches on board. Operation white out was now in effect.