Chapter Thirty four


My prices on Pa-tr-eon are down to really low at the moment, I would suggest getting on board now as I might bring them up soon (only if I see that it does not work well) So support me if you can!!


I walked to my room and looked at the bottom left corner drawer of the desk and opened it. I went through every addressed letter individually and looked for any sign of my Hogwarts letter. Some part of me thought that Father had taken her off the list for Hogwarts. Although I knew better, why would he take away an opportunity to send her away for seven years?

None of the letters looked to hold more than a single piece of paper fro the outside so I put them back and opted for a book on a bookshelf which I had placed in my room. I grabbed a book about Hogwarts. It was always good to prepare oneself. I hurried down the stairs and went towards the hill, it was a short but steady hike.

Up at the hill, I sat down on the damp grass and leaned my back against the Oaktree. It was comforting and a place which I had sued for shelter these many years it was probably the only thing keeping me sane. The cool breeze ruffled my dress. I had stuck to four main colours that I would wear in my outfits. Purple, dark green, black and yellow on occasion. Yellow was for them especially happy days, I only wore it in summer when Grandmother nagged me for my dark brooding colours and that I should change into happy colour such a yellow.

I do have some rogue colours in my closet such as silver, gold, brown and bronze but other than that there was not much else. It was in style to have your own colours and similar silhouettes that fitted your figure, I already started noticing that my body had a slim waist, it curved at the side making my flat assets look less flat. I had hoped that they would grow but I supposed it was a matter of surprise as it was not mentioned in the books.

"Pansy! Come here quickly!" Grandmother shouted. I got out of my trance and saw the figure of my grandmother waving something in her hand. I squinted my eyes and saw a paper flapping. I rushed down the hill ruining my shoes in the process.

I entered the garden once more where Grandmother looked especially excited, "You got in my dear! the letter could not get through with the ministry's permission that was why they were late!" Grandmother said out of breath.

I grabbed the letter right out of her hands and held it in my hand. I waisted no time and opened the letter.

'Dear Ms Parkinson, "