Chapter Forty two

It had been a while and I had been very busy. I would be going to Hogwarts in approximately fifteen minutes. I had my trunk packed and my last time at Diagon alley I had bought more gift for Christmas and birthdays just in case. I had a separate trunk for it. So I had one big trunk with all my school things and clothes and extra necessities such as a hairbrush etc. and a smaller trunk filled with gifts. Grandmother and downsized it so that it fitted into my pocket.

"You ready dear," She asked with a silent smile. I nodded slowly letting my take in her appearance, she was still old with grey hair and wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. Yet her youthful spirit was probably made her look younger than she was. Something I would have wanted to have myself grow up and stay young. It was like a distant dream now, I had to grow up faster and become older to prepare for the future.

I felt myself giving the old woman a hug before I could stop myself, it was something I had to do. I would not see them for a year and they were my caregivers for the past six years of my life, more than what I could say for my father. He would visit every holiday but every dinner I would be silent and if he specifically asked me a question give curt answers back. I did not have time to play 'like mother like daughter' game with him where he compares me to my mother.

He should take me back, and soon if he actually wanted me to have any feelings left for him. Every year that passes, I feel my heart turning colder and every year when I asked him before he left he would give me the same answer.

"When will you take me home?" I would ask,

"I'll do better next year okay," Father would reply with a tired smile.

I would then return fully disappointed head faced the floor feeling defeated. I would not show it outside when he left. I would just become more and more distant. I felt broken, unwanted, not enough.

I sighed and shook my head. It was time to go to Hogwarts. I let go of grandma and gave grandfather a quick peck on the cheek before letting the house-elf take me to the station. My grandparents were to old to go and travel all the time and in recent time grandmother was forced to stay at home.

I grabbed the boney hand and felt myself being sucked into a tube, as a pureblood I was used to the feeling although it was not a pleasant one. I felt the steam stick to my face from the trains on the King cross station. The steaming sound of the train's engines near me seemed to put me back into the right mindset.

I looked around, we had teleported into one of the rooms which wizards could use to get in by the floor network or port key for example. I waved goodbye to the little house elf as I straightened my back and got myself a cart to put all my belongings on. Freddie had already been sent ahead to Hogwarts as he had to be checked.

It was the only thing I had asked of the father.

For him to let me take Freddie to Hogwarts, now at Hogwarts specialized workers checked if he was equipt for a first-year student to use as a pet and if he does not hold any ill temperament as well as forbidden magic.

I walked ahead towards the platform 10 and 9 where I saw several fiery red-haired children and two adults as well as a scrawny boy with unruly black hair oversized clothes that looked more like rags than anything else.