Chapter forty eight

DISCLAIMER: on my Patr-eon you can now officially get extra chapters if you buy a 1 euro membership along with new choices on the love interest since I will base on those choices make a way for the love interest especially!!


"You are an actual git aren't you," She finally snarks as me. I didn't even bother looking up, I already knew that she was getting glared at. "I suppose..." I say uninterested. It seemed to anger her more. "They all talk so highly of you, everyone but your nothing but a rude, arrogant git who thinks they are better than everyone because they have daddy's money and the paper's favour," She says with grit teeth.

I let out a dark giggle, who did this girl think she is? Certainly not my equal. "I never wanted to get in the press but if it were not for Nott, Malfoy and Greengrass, I would be as unknown as a muggle-born," I muttered clearly. I heard gasps again and felt Daphne shiver at the cold tone I used addressing their surnames.

"What do you mean, how are they even related to this?" The girl asked confused. "Why don't you ask them yourselves, but for your information it might be best not to trust them with your secrets, next thing you know they send you off to hell with wide grins and use your secrets to-"

"WE did not do that!" Draco interrupted defensively. Theodore stayed quiet but I could feel his guilt dripping off of him. "It is quite sad six years gone and nothing changed... for the better at least," I mumbled the last part to myself.

"We did not mean for that to happen," Draco said in a loud voice. "On the contrary you wanted me to see it, be pissed and scream at you. Well sadly for you I didn't do that and now you are upset because you got caught and I am inflicting my anger in a different way," I snapped back.

I still did not meet their gazes and continued reading. "Not our fault that your dad did that!" Theodore said loud and clear in a steady voice. Daphne stiffened beside me, I looked up from my book and everyone looked terrified of what he had just said. I look him straight in the eyes, I see his shrink back against the couch regretting his words.

"That still didn't stop you from betraying my trust," I said and I whipped my wand out. "Pansy no!" Daphne screeched as she went in front of Theodore. I looked at her and felt myself get very angry. I stared her down as if she was worth nothing and at that point, she was worth nothing to me.

I cast the levitating spell and took my trunk, I saw regret and guilt bubble up in Daphne's eyes as I walked out the door, slamming it shut.