Chapter Fifty Five

Support me on Pa-Treon if you can! I am going on a writing sprint and I think I can finish the first year on a few days :)


The sorting went along smoothly, and it was finally Harry's turn to get sorted, I had already heard the cheers from Ron's sorting, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself while paying attention to Harry. His eyes were covered and I could see the sorting hat contemplating where to place him, it went like that for a little while and the Hall turned silent.


Cheers erupted from everywhere and I could hear the Weasley twins yell "WE GOT POTTER, WE GOT POTTER," Harry looked happy. I saw him shoot me a smile and a small nod which I returned. The sorting after that went on and one to the point where I had not even bothered to listen further.

I started tog et hungry and Millicent was leaned against my shoulder trying her best not to fall asleep.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" Headmaster Dumbledore said with a calming voice.

I softly woke up Milicent who gave me a meek smile, she tugged on my robe as the plates with food appeared on our table. although she was discrete I could see her sign to the head of the table. Draco was there seated with Theodore, Blaise, Daphne, some other girls, another guy who I assumed was Cormac and Goyle and Crabbe.

Daphne looked straight at us, she looked upset but tried to hide it. I could see her eyes however, it was easy to notice that she was... jealous? Draco also looked sour and Theodore just seemed to wallow in self-pity.

"you know, I would not mind it if they got a little push," I said with a soft murmur. Milicent obviously heard but she just shook her head. "Where is the fun in that?" She said with a sly cocky smile. I laughed out loud and gave her a soft wink in return,

"You must be Pansy," The girl ahead of me said softly with a kind smile. "Ahh, your the Parkinson aye," the boy next to her said. "Obviously did you not hear me say that just now you twat," She said with an annoyed look completely changing her kind demeanour towards me just now.

"I did not copy you," He marked back, "I never said you did, but you just admitted to it,"

"No, I did not your just an annoying girl, that twist my words for her benefit," He continued and I watched as they bickered on and on. It was quite entertaining and I kept listening to them insulting each other while enjoying my potato soup and mash and other dishes.