Chapter 2

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What the freak? What in the hell? Is this for reals?".I said in shock.

I ran back to my apartment. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face and eyes. I went to sleep and slept for 2 hours. I woke up the hologram screen was still there. I looked outside everything was the same.

" Okay Niam calm down, maybe this is still a dream !".I said to myself.

I picked up a pin and stuck my finger.

" Ouch, okay it's not a dream".

I looked at the screen and touched it. It started giving me information. From the given information, I found out this holographic screen is a part of me It is part of my ability, my superpower, the ability to turn my reality into a game. I still couldn't believe it was a miracle. I was freaking out. I actually have a superpower.

I looked outside my window I saw the undead in other words zombies who looked ugly and frightening.

A screen popped in front of me saying "Quest alert".It was a quest, a mission, a task, and the task was to turn the building into a safe zone. And by safe zone, it meant to turn the building into a safe place so the undead won't come in.

"Okay first I need to try something", if my life is like an RPG (role-playing game) then I might have something like an inventory that would allow me to store things. I checked my gamer screen and found an inventory option

"Okay, let's try it" I first tried storing my chair into the inventory it worked.

"Great with this I can use anything to block the entrance to the building".

I went to the apartment next to me broke the door and store every object I could use to barricade the front entrance. I went back to my apartment and pulled out my gun from a case under my bed, I had a Glock-26 pistol. Why would a 16-year-old have a gun, you can't buy a gun in Silver city unless you have a license, and you can't have a license unless your 18 so I purchased it from the street. If I were to get caught I would probably get charged with illegal possession of a firearm but I live on my own in a shitty apartment, it's better to be safe than sorry. I also brought my ka-bar a military knife just in case cause I didn't want to use a gun it would cause too much noise and attract lots of those freaks.

I went down I thought I should use the elevator but the power was down. I took the stairs as I reached the first floor. An undead was right in front of me I was horrified by it. It looked just like the zombie from the movies and video games.

It came towards me I fell on the ground it grabbed me it tried to bite me I grabbed its neck and pulled out my knife to stab its head. I was frozen I couldn't believe I actually killed someone.No I shouldn't be ashamed it was either kill or be killed, this was karma.

I made it down there were four undead feastings on a corpse. I thought I should kill them with but instead, I used the inventory and placed a fridge on top of them. They all died from that then I used the things from my inventory to block the front of the main entrance.

Step 1 was complete, the next step was to kill the remaining undead in the building.

After completing the first step I gained a reward a skill point. This allows me to unlock a skill from the skill option. I looked into it and unlocked this impressive skill it was known as high senses from which I can use my senses in quite a fascinating way just like Daredevil from marvel universe, who uses his hearing and smell to detect things that normal people won't be able to detect. But I could do more I also had good eyesight that would allow me to look at things at a different level like I was able to see and hear the fast movement of a fly like I was using a microscope.

I used my senses and scouted the remaining undead in the building 2 were on the 3rd floor and 5 were on the roof. I walked to the 3rd floor they were inside one of the apartment rooms. Somebody must have locked them in, I pulled out my gun one of them came towards me I shot its head with my gun the other one came because of the noise I threw my knife at its head and killed it.

"5 more to go" I went to the roof the door to the roof was locked I broke it open, the undead heard the noise and came towards me I shot them one by one with this the remaining zombies were dead.

"Quest complete " I leveled up to 3 and gained 2 skill points I discovered if I kill those zombies and complete the quest I can level up and gain skill points that would allow me to unlock various skills.

"Looks like the first point was given to me after leveling up ".

For now, I was level 3 and also these points were up to 1000. These points were G points basically game points that would allow me to purchase anything from the store in my gamer ability basically g points were money and up to 1000 dollars. I also gained additional 500 g points for killing up to 10 undead. I can make money by killing zombies and completing quests which were quite brilliant.