Chapter 4

My objective was to take down 100 zombies with knives. For this, I bought another knife from the store for 100 g points as a spare just in case.

I used my senses and detected zombies from inside the building there were at least 23 zombies in the building. I entered the lobby and found 3 zombies feasting on a corpse, I felt sick looking at them. I came closer and threw my knives at 2 of them at their heads. Before the third one could react I quickly grabbed the knife from the corpse and came on top of it and then quickly stabbed its head.

"That's 3," I said.

Just like that, I killed every undead in the building using multiple techniques such as stealth, stabbing them from behind, throwing knives at their head, and fighting them hand to hand without letting them attack me or bite me.

And with that, I was level 5 and made around 2500 g points,1000 g points for clearing the building and barricading the entrances and exits, and 1500 by killing up to 20 zombies.

I managed to earn 2 skill points and I could unlock 2 new skills. While clearing out this building I thought I would need something that would allow me to sneak around without getting detected by the zombies or anyone else.

So I choose 'Camouflage' a skill that allows me to hide my presence in places. I unlocked it and tried using it. It was like how an iguana hides its body and just like how that predator hides its body in those Predator movies.

As for the other skill, I thought the best skill would be something that would allow me to deliver heavy blows, so I unlocked the "Iron strike" skill which would allow me to deliver strong blows with my fists, legs, and melee weapons.

I wanted to test out my skill, so first, I punched the wall and my fist went through it.

"Woah! nice! just like iron fist".

I tried this skill with my knife and threw it at the wall, it went in deep inside the wall. Then I also tried slashing, I slashed the wall. The cut was deep, if I can slash and stab thick objects so deeply then cutting off a zombie's head would be a piece of cake, no matter how weak my weapon is.

11th January 2020

I woke up and noticed the unfamiliar ceiling, then I remembered I was not in my boring apartment I was in a luxurious apartment that was in a building that would cost an average man 6 months worth of his salary to live every month.

It's been 2 days and this was the 3rd day of this whole goddamn fiasco the starting of a zombie apocalypse and me having superpowers of treating this shitty reality as a game that was bad to others but wonderful for me.

I checked the calendar it was the 11th of January a new year. I thought that I should take a break for today from killings those undead. Even though I only killed them for 2 days and I have 77 zombies to kill in order to fulfill a quest.

But a man should learn to take a day off, especially an odd one like me. Why am I calling myself odd? Oh, not because I have superpowers but because I am handling this situation differently than normal people.

Like what would a normal person do? First after witnessing or hearing about this crisis or this situation that person would try to get out of this city.A city filled with flesh-eating savages. And if that person is foolish and brave he or she would go after their loved ones family, lover, best friend or pet, and leave this city of course.

That's what everyone would try to do which would result in a big traffic right to the roads which lead you outside the city and the military would stop you of course because they want to quarantine the city so either they would stop you from leaving the city or shoot you on site.

Those people who have money or belong to higher officials would simply be given permission to leave the city or of course book themselves a private chopper. And even if people survive the government would use the military to make safe zones for civilians.

Those safe zones would later be taken over by strong military leaders who the soldiers would follow or some rich people who would have enough money to invest in such places. For now, if this crisis is happening in Silver city then the government would send the military soldiers to rescue civilians who are still alive or they would nuke this whole city to prevent this zombie shit bag from spreading over the continent.

If this whole world is crawling with these ravenous freaks then humanity will have to do its best to survive and try to take care of this problem.

Normal people would do things like this but look at me. Here I am turning myself into a zombie slayer in order to make myself stronger and recover as many supplies as I can to survive. Even though I could buy them from the gamer shop but where's the fun in that.

I am a sociopath who might turn into a psychopath who plays this world as a game. Rather than looking for a way to escape this nightmare I am living in it and every day is like a holiday. Life just turned from shitty to entertaining. Although it's only been 2 days and these 2 days were amazing and the most fun.