Chapter 6

I ended up seeing the most terrifying thing in my life, I was terrified. I quickly ran into another room.I used my senses and heard it, it broke through the door and it was looking around. I think it was looking for me. Like a predator hunting down its prey.

"I think I should get out of here", I opened up a window I was about to get out but a thought struck my head.

My mind was telling me to avoid that thing but my body wasn't. I have killed more than a dozen of those freaks, and they were still terrifying. This one might be much stronger than them but I need to take it down who knows what I might encounter out there and I know there are gonna be many more terrifying and stronger zombies than that freak. I should not let fear consume me and weaken me cause fear is my enemy which I should face. In the future, I might face even more terrifying foes.

I muster up the courage, equipped my knife and gun on my side, and pulled out my spear.

"Okay! let's do this".

Before moving out I used my skill point and unlocked a new skill"Silent step".A skill that allows me to move so quietly that nobody would notice. This will be enough for me to sneak up behind it.

I used my senses and tracked the undead in the building. I moved towards it and went behind I attacked it with a thrust of my spear. It moved and my spear stabbed through its shoulder.It moved back, my spear was stuck in its shoulder.It pulled out the spear and threw it at me.I dodged it, I quickly grabbed the spear and attacked it.It slashed my spear in half and pushed me down.It tried biting me, I quickly struck one half of the spear in its eye and the other half in its neck.I pushed it back, stood up got on top of it, and stabbed its head with my knife.I stood up and looked at it, it tried to get up I quickly pulled out my gun and fired at its head

"Die you sick fuck" I said that while shooting at it.

Like that I finally killed it. I leveled up to 11. The building was cleared and I earned 10000 g points. I have now 5 skill points and over 100000 g points.

14th January 2020

I woke up screaming from the nightmare I had, after facing the Crawler a name I decided to call that mutated undead, I had a nightmare that what if I had to encounters a great number of that undead, if they came in a horde I won't stand a chance. I decided to make a plan to survive this apocalypse. First, I would need a solid place to stay that would keep off not only the undead but as well as bad people. It's basic that your own kind turns twisted when they are not in order especially in an apocalyptic world with no laws and people will do anything to survive. I used the construct option from the gamer menu, the shop provided me the materials that help me build strong defenses in the building, and construct helped me build just like in that game fallout.

20th January 2020

It took me 6 whole days to completely reinforce the building. This 5-star building that used to be for rich people to live especially superstars, businessman, and other rich bastards now its a strong hold against people or undead that would be considered my enemies. This building had strong metal walls with fences on top, a strong gate, security cameras in the building and throughout the block. Also, the entrances to the lobby and garage were protected with reinforced carbon steel and also glass windows. I also made the roof turned the roof into a place where I can train and keep a lookout. That's how I was done making a powerful stronghold for myself. I had spent over 110000 g points on this building but better be safe than sorry.

I was left with 24000 g points enough for any supply I would need from the shop. But I thought I should save it for other things so I made a plan to loot the entire city from its resources. My inventory can store an infinite number of items. I opened my city map from the game screen. I bought a map for myself. There were 83 marts,124 convenience stores, 146 restaurants, and 43 weapons shops that not only sold guns but also solid gear such as crossbows, knives, hatchets, bow and arrows, and other gear. I also decided to loot 20 car shops and 33 bic shops. I could always buy some from the shop but I needed to save my points. There were also 64 gas stations where I can get the fuel and 16 malls where I can get a major number of supplies.

As I was looking at my notes on the lobby desk I discovered a secret passcode lock screen underneath the keyboard of the receptionist desk. I used my senses and detected the buttons that were pressed I opened the passcode a secret door opened near to the elevator and a key card popped out from the desk.

"What the hell?" I went inside the door it was an elevator I used the key card and the elevator started to move down."What the hell is this?" I was about to discover something new and unusual.