Chapter 8

21st January 2020

Today my plan was to find myself some firearms in the city. I have been relying on melee weapons for a while now but a gun would be quick for the kill. If I ever get exhausted or get badly injured I would need a gun for the quick job. Yesterday, on the roof I tested the grappling gun and it worked perfectly but I would need to be precise with my aim not only with the grapple gun but also with my pistol.

I unlocked 5 new skills with my 5 skill points. The first skill I choose was "Aim assist" just like in a first-person shooting game a plus sign appears before my eyes giving me better accuracy and it activates whenever I hold a gun. The second skill "Quick shot" whenever I start firing a gun it's like time becomes slow for 2 seconds allowing me to shoot faster, the best skill for a cowboy-type standoff duel like those in the movies. The third skill "crafting" the skill I would need in order to make things with this skill I was able to repair the leather holster of my pistol and make a new one as well. The fourth skill "Blacksmith" allows me to build and repair armor and weapons. The internet wasn't out yet and even better the mainframe in the facility had unlimited internet access cause of the use of a satellite. Yesterday I checked on youtube how I can repair my weapons just by seeing the video once I managed to repair each of my knives easily. And finally, the last skill armored body allows my body to become strong enough to withstand strong blows but for only 5 seconds and I can use it 10 times after that this skill takes 2 hours to recharge.

I geared up I wore the survival suit and it was the real deal I tried stabbing it, shooting it and I barely made a scratch on it. I put on my leather hoody jacket, and boots alongside my utility belt also known as the batman belt. When I looked at myself in the mirror I kinda looked like the red hood but without the helmet and my jacket was black.

I equipped my grapple gun, tanto knife, pistol, a few explosives, and my hidden blade, I also wore my leather gloves so just in case the zombie bite doesn't reach my hand.

My objective for today was first to loot the nearest gun shop and the mart. Those 2 places were near each other and it was only a 1-hour drive. Why of course, I was looting a gun shop cause the guns in my gamer shop cost a lot of points. Pistols cost higher than 2000 g points, Rifles higher than 3000 g points, and big guns like lmg and hmg higher than 10000 g points. I need to save points and get free guns by facing danger and hardship by almost getting myself killed which is a bad idea but I think it's gonna be worth it.

I went down to the garage to find myself a suitable ride I was hoping for a motorcycle but the garage had a few cars. I took the blue-colored Porsche 911 and drove out. Azrael did teach me how to drive when I was 12.

I made it near the place and stopped. I stored the car in my inventory and went ahead. While running I found a police squad car I looked in through the window and saw the cop dead on the driver seat. I pulled out my knife just in case if he's a zombie got his body out of the car and loot him. I found a pistol a Glock-22 and 3 magazines with 15 rounds in each, handcuffs, a metal baton, and mint-flavored tic tacs.I took his badge and used it to open the trunk. Cops in the silver city have key cards installed in their badges by which they get access to the police database and even opened their trunks but if someone tries to rob a police car an alarm goes off which is bad especially in this situation. I looked inside the trunk and found a duffle bag. I sat inside the car just to be safe and looked inside it. I know what cops carry in these bags and I looked for the things I wanted a plate carrier police vest holding 3 magazines of an assault rifle and medkit and an assault rifle "colt M4 carbine".This one came with a 1.4 magnification scope and best of all a silencer which was good for me. I also took the cop's gun holster. I looked at the man's ID his name was Marvin Green

"Thanks for the stuff Marvin, rest in peace"

I said feeling sorry for this man why was I sad I looked into his wallet and found a picture of him and his family,must be his wife and kids. I zipped my jacket put on the police vest, carried the rifle on my back, and continued moving to my destination. I arrived near the store and looked like only a few zombies were walking and crawling near the store. Big joe's gun store one of the most popular gun stores in silver city. That place probably has more than 1000 guns in the store. The front entrance had metal fences and if I break the glass the alarm might go off. So I have to go in from the roof, I used the grapple gun and got on top.

" Damn, this gun is awesome".

I went to the roof door, it was a good thing it wasn't looked. I went downstairs and I was in the store. I was looking around and this place was filled with guns lots and lots of guns

"Nice! looks like Christmas came early this year".

You know what's the best thing about an apocalypse first come first serve, dibs, and everything free. I looked around and started storing everything into my inventory one by one. I have been to gun stores many times and always took a brochure. I always wanted to own a great number of guns but I wasn't legal. I first need to turn 18, then get an ID, and then get a gun license. The first gun I ever got was the colt m1911 pistol of world war 2 a valuable antique, it was a gift from Azrael it arrived in a parcel on my 15th birthday.

Owning my first gun was the best day of my life. After watching and playing all those gun movies and games I always wished to own a gun and Azrael fulfill my wish. Azrael and grandfather taught me how to shoot a gun that's why I am a good shot. I was planning that after I am done with my education I would own my own gun store with an indoor shooting range and a game store next to an arcade which would be so cool.

"Now it's important to practice"I went to the roof to target practice and play with my guns. I had over 1017 guns and 126 melee weapons knives, machetes, and hatchets in my inventory and had over 12000 rounds of ammo and I can get more from the gamer shop. I pulled out an AR-15 the "Falkor Petra", a magnum caliber rifle with one shot guaranteed head removal. I aimed and was just about to shoot until I heard gunfire. I wasn't the one who shot it, I think there must be a survivor.