Chapter 13

23rd January 2020

After having a conversation with Jean, I went to the armory to get myself some weapons. While looking at the weapons, I noticed that I had only a few machine guns out of 1000 guns there were around 32 guns that were machine guns. I looked at the modification kits in my inventory I can only convert a few of my guns around 22 into machine guns. I needed more of those gun parts and I was also gonna need better weapons like explosives, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, and other stuff that I could use to blow up Zombies. I selected a few guns 9mm Glock-34 and Glock-17 both attached with suppressors,2 Mark-19 Desert Eagle .50 caliber if I encounter another juggernaut, Benelli M4 tactical shotgun, and last the machine guns Mp7 and AR-15 both with suppressors. I also picked up 2 hatchets and 2 combat knives both K-bars. I put the guns in my inventory only equipped my pistols and melee weapons. I geared up wore my usual clothing and went downstairs. Jean came out of her room and asked me

"Hey, Niam! Going somewhere?"

"Yeah! I gonna go out and look for some supplies"

"Oh!Okay! Please be careful"

"Hey Jean here"I gave her gun back"You'll need it"

"Thank you," she said while looking at it.

"I cleaned it, loaded it, and made a few improvements. Keep the place together while I'm gone okay"

"Okay be careful Niam".

I went down to the parking lot, took the Porsche, and left.

I made my plan to loot 3 places. An auto shop and 2 Weapon stores. The Auto shop I was planning to loot was called "ALI Wheels".This shop was one of the biggest and most popular stores in Silver City. This store sold imported sports cars, Jeeps, trucks, and motorcycles and they even did modifications and customization. Best place for me to get myself some sweet rides. Before driving there I ended up buying some gadgets from the Gamer shop a plastic glove that can be used on biometric locks, a security unlocker device, and a contact lens that can unlock eye scan locks. All 3 of these devices cost me 30000 G points and they would be worth it. I arrived at the place there were a few zombies at the front entrance. I aimed my AR-15 at them and shot them all one by one around 16 of them and made 500 G points. I used the security unlocker device to open the door. The door opened and I went inside, the moment I went inside I was in heaven this place was filled with awesome cars and motorcycles. "Hallelujah!" I said in excitement. I started to store the cars inside my inventory I had over 164 cars and 67 bikes, then I went to the shop and took everything likes machines that help me modify cars and repair them, tools, car, and motorcycle parts and I even looted the gift store. I emptied up the whole place clean. I put on a black jacket with a Ferrari logo on it and looked at myself I was looking great. I pulled out a customized Harley Davidson and rode off to my next destination, I always wanted to ride a Harley but no ID means no bike license.

The next stop was the Weapon store where I can get myself some martial arts weapons. I needed better weapons like swords, spears, maces, and stuff. I arrived there and used the same method and went in. I looked around and started putting all the weapons in the inventory. I found spears, nunchucks, swords, knives, daggers, and many other cool weapons. I wanted to have fun with my new weapons so I pulled out a katana from the inventory and went outside. I found a few zombies"Now let's have some fun"I whistled at the zombies they came towards I slashed and stabbed them easily and killed 20 of them making 1500 G points."Damn this sword is good".All melee weapons I got from the store were ranked D and E. The attack and durability of the D-ranked weapons are from 30 to 40.

"Now for the last stop" I continued to ride and arrived at the final destination. This store was called "Eagle weapons and hunting gear".This store actually sells military-grade weapons and suits. Sure, it sells hunting gears but only to civilians. All high classed weaponry can be sold to people who are either working for the military, the government, or the police. I went inside I first started to store all the hunting gear such as guns, bows and arrows, crossbow, fishing rods, ropes, clothes, bulletproof vests, and other things. Then I went to the high-class section and stored every military gear in my inventory. I did manage to get every suit, gadgets, and other stuff but I couldn't find the military then I went to the back and found a huge safe door. I used my devices and unlocked them. I found every last military-grade weapon and ammunition in the safe. I found more than enough modification kits for myself to convert my semi-automatic guns into fully automatic. I looked in my inventory I had around 3264 guns,80000 rounds of ammunition, and 1899 melee weapons stored inside my inventory." God I love these numbers".After I was done looting the place I went outside and screamed in excitement.

There was 2 more place I decided to drop by the game shop and clothe shop. First I went and looted the game store and then the cloth shop to get clothes for myself and Jean. I didn't get any dresses for her because I thought she wasn't the type of girl who would wear dresses but I did get her some underwear which was the most embarrassing moment in my life when I was looking at female underwear. While I was in the store I put on this black leather coat and looked at myself in the mirror

"Now this is my style" I was fascinated by the way I looked. Straight hair and long coat, two guns in hand I looked like Dante from Devil May Cry. I Looked outside the store, it was getting dark."Time to head home".I pulled out a truck from my inventory and a bag to put some clothes inside. I put the bag in the back seat, I was about to get in when I saw this guy in the street. It was dark so I couldn't see him clearly, it wasn't a zombie cause it wasn't moving like one. I called out to him "Hello! is someone there?".

He came in the light, he covered his lower face with a mask and he had two katanas in his back."Hello"I called out to him again. He reached for his back and threw something at me. I dodged it and it stuck in my car, it was shuriken a throwing star, "What the hell?".He draws out his sword "Seriously a freakin ninja" I said in a panic.