Chapter 25

The next day I started training in the morning, I told Jean and Hannah about Ali just in case they don't freak out that there is a stranger in our apartment. I need to help Ali with his ability he can do so much more. I practiced my martial arts moves every technique which I could use in a fight against Ali. After I was done I went back to our apartment. Ali was helping out Jean and Hannah in the kitchen. They made breakfast together.

I started eating with them "Wow this is great your splendid as always Ali"

"Thanks, man"

"I really missed your cooking"

"You guys eat together often?" asked Jean

"Yeah when he and I trained together I often cooked for him," said Ali

"I am surprised you have a friend," said Jean

'Yeah I may be a loner but I am not that alone" I said as I was eating

"Yeah but your still a loner unless I come over to your place," said Ali

"Hey, Niam I wanted to ask you guys are you two dating?" asked Ali

Jean and I startled,

"No not really he is just a friend," said Jean

"And she is a student," I said.

"Hey Jean don't worry he has a 9 inch long and thick Desert Eagle in his pants"

"Dude" I shouted.

Jean started blushing and said "I am done, I will go do the dishes now Hannah help me out"

Jean and Hannah took the dishes to the kitchen"Dude what the hell are you trying to do?"

"Hey man I know you like her and she is so fine so I am helping a brother out"

"Dude and yeah how do you know about my my...."

"Your Desert eagle? when we were in the gym lockers I saw you"

"Okay," I was feeling embarrassed by what he said in front of Jean.

After we were done eating we went out for a run. We did 2-hour roadwork then I did some callisthenic exercises and Ali did some of the regular KickBoxing routines that he does every day.

"Okay Ali now let's begin your training"


"Yeah I told you that I would help you become stronger"

Ali came to me excited."So what do we do first?"

"You do know about my skills right which I got from my gamer ability"

"Yeah you told me about that"

"You see one of my skills is called Enhancement it allows me to make one of my other skills stronger and not only that it makes different parts of my body stronger as but your ability is called Ultimate enhancement meaning you can make parts of your a lot stronger than me"

"How do I do that?"

"Okay, how were you able to avoid all my attacks? What were you thinking?"

"That I have to avoid your attacks and move faster, so I was able to look through your attacks and avoid them"

"Did you think of attacking me hard"

"No that only came out of reflex you do know what my style is, its counter-attacks"

"Have you ever thought of delivering a strong attack?"

"Not really"

"Then let's test it out" I pulled out a punching dummy.

"Okay now punch or kick it as hard as you can think of it as a target which you will blow up with one punch "

"Okay man" Ali came in and delivered a straight punch to the dummy's body and that punch blow it up.

"Oh my god what the hell was that," said Ali as he was in shock.

"Now that was an Ultimate punch," I said to Ali.

I pulled out another dummy.

"Okay now this time a strong kick"

He ran and delivered a flying side kick and destroyed the dummy again.

"Whoa I am on a roll" I pulled out a dummy and long sword from my inventory and gave it to Ali.

"Now try enhancing that weapon and slash this dummy".Ali focused and enhanced his sword to deliver a powerful slash and the dummy. He easily cut it in half.

"Damn this is nice"

"Okay now try this"I gave him a .22 caliber pistol.

"Dude I prefer a cannon why gave me a BB gun"

"Test out your ability with that on this" I pulled out a dummy made out of iron which I bought from the Gamer's Shop.

"Where the hell did you get that?"

" I bought it okay from the shop okay now shoot it".Ali concentrated and shot the dummy's head and made a big hole in its head.

"Damn what the hell it made a bigger hole than a 500 magnum"

"Damn this is impressive"

"What else do you got?"

"How about a spar?"

"Great I was aiming to get back at you for what you did"

He took off his jacket.

"Okay I want you to try enhancing your entire body"

"My entire body?"

"yes and not only your body but your mind and senses as well"

"Okay I will give it a shot"

He started concentrating he started to emit a white color of energy and he was glowing.

"Okay now attack me"He instantly came in front of me, he was so damn fast I just blinked and he appeared before me he was about to deliver a punch I knew if he punched I would die but as he was about to do it he stopped and fell down. He fainted maybe he used too much power and his body couldn't take it. But Thank god if he had punched me I would have died that was a close call.

I took him to his room and laid him on the bed. After an hour he woke up I asked

"How are you feeling?"

"Good a bit dizzy though what happened?"

"When you were trying to enhance your body you fainted cause your body couldn't take it"

"I see so i am weak for this ability"

"No, it's more like your not used to it for a while you were enhancing only one part of your body it was a big step for you to enhance your entire body"

"I see so now what "

"We will have to begin your training but before you tell me about Sterben now"

"It's a long and messed up story"

"You did not tell me yesterday so now tell me already okay"

"Okay let's start from the beginning"

Author: From the next chapter the life story of my other main character Muhammad Ali Jabbar will begin.