Chapter 28

"Now this is some crazy shit," I said. How come my life full of action and fighting turn into a complicated kidnapping with me as the victim me of all people.

"What the hell is happening?" said one of the people.

"Why are we here," said another person.

I got up and walked around then someone spoke from the speaker.

"Each one of you has keys in your pockets from which you can open your locks".

I checked in my pockets and found the keys. I opened my locks and so did everyone.

"Now pick your weapon," someone said from the speaker.

Suddenly a huge closet opened in which there were all sorts of different melee weapons. Everyone decided to grab a weapon.

"Hey you any idea what's going on?" a guy asked me.

"Well we are kidnapped and put in a room with no furniture only a closet full of weapons that's all I know," I said to her sarcastically. Everyone picked a weapon of their choice I did not know what to use I never fought with a weapon before only with my fist and legs.

"Hard time choosing something," said a woman.

"Yeah I never fought with weapons before," I said to her and turned around to look at her. She looked gorgeous, she was around 5'5, her skin was tan, her hair brown long and straight, and her eye color brown as well. It was hard to guess her age she looks at least 20 years old. She has equipped a machete and a knife on her sides and two batons on her back.

"Looks like you picked your miss?"

"Christie Lopez and you are Muhammad Ali Jabbar right?"

"Yeah you know me"

"Well I have seen you fight Juan Romero, my cousin"

"Oh " damn I actually beat her cousin.

"That fight was amazing the way you used capoeira kicks to knock him out was amazing"

"Thank you " so she admires me that's great.

"Mind if I choose for you"

"Nah I'm good" I picked up a Ninjato blade and throwing knives. I am a big fan of Wesley Snipes I loved his movie blade by which I got inspired by him to train with a ninja sword and throwing knives even though I never used it in a fight and I prefer firearms over knives. I know he uses a throwing glaive but I had a hard time using it and learning so I picked knives over that weapon and besides Wesley snipes did use throwing knives in The Expendables 3.

"Well things might get dirty you'll need that blade"


"We don't even know what are we gonna use these weapons for"

"True" suddenly the door opens.

"All of you are given a map on your phones make it the final destination, Good luck"

There were 4 doors.

"How about we form a group it's better than going all alone right," said one.

"Yeah sound great," said another.

There were at least 20 people and 3 groups were made with one particular leader. There were 4 doors.

"Hey man it's better to stick together," said one of them to me.

"No, it's okay I will be good on my own"

"Look at him acting all cocky"

"Hey we could use a guy like you"

"You guys won't be needing me besides you got the number I will be fine on my own"

"Arrogant bastard, who do you think you are?"

"Someone who doesn't trust people so easily"

"Why you" a man stopped him.

"Okay suit yourself" There were 4 doors and 3 groups already choose their doors, I choose the one they did not choose. I started to walk through a hall until I noticed someone following I pulled out my knife and quickly looked back it was Christie.

"Hey easy I mean you no harm"

"Why are you following me?"

"I am going with you"

"Why? Wouldn't it be safe? if you went with them"

"I can't rely on people and besides I am going the path I choose, you are the one following me"

"Damn I like her style," I said to myself.

While moving we found an exit and came to a forest.

" First a creepy room and now a forest whats next a redneck village," I said.

We kept walking through the forest until it was dark. Christie and I got some firewood I started the fire. "Wow your good at this"

"I once lived in a forest for a month"


"Well one day when I was 13 my dad gave me a knife dropped in a forest and told me to survive for a month"

"Why would he do that?"

"Well in order to train me he said I need to have some survival instincts before I got into the ring "

"Wow your father is ruthless"

"Well it's because of him I am a good fighter and besides I have been through worse"


"He used to make me condition my body by beating me up with his staff, made me strike bamboo trees with my elbow, knees, fist, and shin until the tree break, made me go through Shaolin different types of condition and balancing, one of that condition was getting hanged from the neck and also conditioning my balls by getting kicked there multiple times, and by balancing made balance on a pole for a whole day, and also he used to make me train in the snow in my shorts"

"What the hell was he training you or torturing you?"

"Well his training was harsh but in the end, it was worth it"

"Yeah enough to make you impotent"

"Hey my junk works fine," I said to her and we both started laughing. Suddenly her stomach started growling." Umm it's been a long day" she said.

"Don't worry we'll be expecting meat soon" I set a trap a while and laid some bait.

Then went there to check it I managed to catch a rabbit.

"The meat has arrived," I said to her.

"We are gonna that little guy"

"Can you hold your hunger?" her stomach growled.

"Then we eat" as I was about to kill it I noticed its belly, it was a female and it was pregnant.

"Sorry we can't eat its pregnant father told me"

"Ohh that's fine"

Damn even I was getting hungry it would be a miracle to mind food.I suddenly remembered and checked my pockets and found 3 protein bars. Niam gave this to me when I was about to leave.

"Here eat this" I gave her one and she started eating it.

I took a bite and said "Thank you Niam"

"Who's Niam?" she asked.

" The guy who gave us this food and my good friend"

After we ate she fell asleep and so did I.

The next morning as we were traveling through a forest we found a cabin.

"Hey look," christie said.

"Smoke coming out someone must be in there. I said to her. We first knocked, nobody answered and then walked inside and said "Hello anybody home"

We saw a man near the fire.

"Hello we ended up lost in the woods do you have a cellphone or a telephone we can use" I said to him politely. He looked at me, I noticed his eyes were white he said a language we could not understand."What's he saying?" she asked me.

"No idea," I said to her

"Sorry to bother, "I said to him. Something was not right I have a bad feeling about this. I turned around.

"Ali lookout" shouted christie. The old man attacked me with a hatchet I dodged his attack then punched him in the face he took that punch to the face like it was nothing and then attacked me again. I pulled out my sword and countered his attack. Christie took out her machete and attacked him stabbing his rib.

He pushed he looked at us and pulled out the machete from his body. He wasn't even bleeding.

"What the hell?" it came at me to attack. It was about to kill us I countered his attack and then slashed his neck christie took her machete and stabbed its head. It got up again and tried to attack me. I pulled out my sword and slashed his head off.

"What the hell was he, "I said.

"Ali look " christie said pointing at the decapitated head and I looked the man was alive even without his body.

"What the f..."