Chapter 43

"What the hell?" I was looking at a man, wearing an old raincoat and rain hat, he had a hook for a hand and he had killed a girl in the room. 

"Freeze! don't move, " I said to him while pointing my shotgun at him.

It looked back at me, it was an undead even though I couldn't see his whole face but he smelled like an undead. I looked at him with my ability and saw the name, I couldn't believe it, it was called "the Hookman". The Hookman, an urban legend about a killer with a pirate-like hook for a hand attacking a couple in a parked car. In many versions of the story, the killer is typically portrayed as a faceless, silhouetted old man wearing a raincoat and rain hat that conceals most of his features, especially his face. Seriously how the hell did I ended up encountering this monster out of nowhere and why is he inside a house killing people, shouldn't he killing couples who busy making out inside a parked car.

It disappeared, I looked around.