Chapter 48

We both jumped off the window, I quickly fired my grappler gun and we managed to land on the ground safely.

"Dude! how did you know there was a bomb?" asked Ali.

"I didn't know there was a bomb, there were armed men outside the office ready to fire at us" I explained to Ali.

"What the hell? so what the hell happened? who were you talking to?" asked Ali.

"The real Sterben he was watching us from somewhere else, that guy in the office was just a lackey he was using as a cover" 

"Dang! How do we find him then?" asked Ali.

"I don't know you go meet up with Jean and return home, I'll catch up later I have something to check" 

"Man are you serious there is no way I am leaving you alone out here" said Ali

"Don't worry I'll be fine besides I need a little me time" 

"Your little me-time will get you killed" said Ali

"Yeah sure but I'll be responsible for that" 

"Okay be careful," he said to me as he left.