Chapter 7

Sams POV:

It has been two weeks since I saw Ivy. She was home and we texted for a bit, but then we didn't have any more time. She had work and studies of her own and I had mine. Life was busy, but pretty good right now. Not being in contact with her made it easy to forget about those little feelings that would cross my mind once in a while. I was better in studies now. Thanks to Teddy I started being less stressed and I could manage my time well.

It was Friday and I was coming home from school when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and to my surprise, I was greeted by a pair of emerald eyes. "Hey Sam!" she greeted and I couldn't believe my eyes that she was talking to me. " Oh hey, do you need something?" She came closer so she was standing by my side. " I was going to ask if you would like to come with me in Amy's party. I know we haven't been the best of friends , but is a good way to start over right?" Thats for sure, me and Emma weren't friends especially after the break up, but still it was a good possibility to have fun. After all I had nothing to do so I told her I would pick her up at 8 and we could go. After all it would be a good way to keep my mind off of her..

Ivy's POV:

Standing at the college doors I was waiting for Jared. He was late as always so I decided to walk around a bit and enjoy the beautiful view of the campus. I saw the so called hipsters sing along to Bob Marley , the athletes play with a ball and some of the school nerds read books under the big tree. I felt a buzz in my pocket and I saw Kara's name flash. Kara was my best friend and my roommate. She was 29 years old and was my biggest support since I was 18. " Hey Kara whats up?" " Nothing much just about to tell you what a jerk fiancé you have and how you should break up with him" I sighed deeply and groaned ," Kara please we have talked about this Jared has anger management issues but nothing else" and then I dropped my phone. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Jared kissing a girl behind the bleachers. I was expecting myself to cry, but instead a wave of anger took over my body. I couldn't stop my leg from going there and the next thing I know I had slapped him and threw the ring in his face. All this time I tolerated and tolerated and tolerated! God I was so blind! Sam would never do that! My eyes widened for a moment and my mouth got dry..why was I comparing him to Sam? This makes no sense , Sam is just my friend ...but if he is my friend why do I have this weird feeling every time i think about him. God can my life be more messed up!! I wonder what he is doing right now?

Sam's POV:

I threw my bag to the side as soon as I got home. First thing I did was to make sure the girls had finished their lunch and by the plates on the sink I was sure they had. I went upstairs to check at my mom. As always she was looking from the window with that blank expression. I cleared my throat and she turned to look at me. "Hello Sam! How was college today?" I smiled and sat on the chair next to her bed. " Actually pretty good Mrs Nobile. How has your day been?" " Splendid! The good weather today really makes me feel better and of course reading my book makes the time pass by quicker. " She placed a hand on my shoulder and I placed mine on top of hers. " Actually I wanted to ask you something..there is this party and I was wondering.." " You can go Sam. Im sure the girls will be fine for one night" I wanted to be sure but before I could speak she gave me a reassuring smile then she hugged me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and let out a sigh. Its like she was easing every concern and stress I had going on. Just a mothers hug can make you feel as protected and secure and as much as I wanted to stay like that I had to let go because I had to get ready for the party.

I went to my room and picked out a pair of black ripped jeans and a white shirt. As I was getting dressed I heard my phone buzzing. I went to pick it up just to see a name that I didn't expect flash on my phone. My eyes widened and I froze for a second. It was Ivy, but why was she calling me? My mind went through a lot of reasons. Maybe she missed me or maybe she was bored or maybe she needed some kind of information about Italy. Whatever it was without hesitation anymore I picked it up and I was met with a trembling voice which said " hey.."