Chapter 10

**Chapter 10**

>>"Disgusting slime core"<<

"The Next Day"

I woke up having a nightmare.

"That was scary"

*grumble* 'sound of a hungry stomach'

"Ah! im hungry i should eat the apple then"

After im done eating, i practice how to fly at the cave, spreading my wings then run,jump then flap my wings only to land again in floor.

"Hah! A bird that can't fly is a useless bird"

"Truck kun you reincarnate me into a useless bird baka-baka, truck kun you baka! Baka!!!"

"But what if i totally reincarnated as a bird that can't fly, i knew that if you got isekai'd by truck-kun you will be reincarnated as a unique character but never expected to be born as a bird that can't fly!!!"


Getting out from the cave to hunt prey.

Something bad is right below in front of this mountain (at the foot) it's the beetle knight.

It's wandering this forest for a time, I wonder why?

The monster's seem to be scared of him, this monster is bad news, what if it climb this mountain and found my cave then become it's resting place, i can't even go down because of him. *sigh*

This mountain has no trees, its a rocky mountain, maybe that's why it's not moving here? If so then its good.

I've only wander and hunt prey at the forest where my cave entrance is turning into and never at the back.

"I should hunt at the back then"

After i say that, i immediately climb to the top jumping and looking at the surrounding,

"there's a cave" I've seen a cave at the plain, in top of the rocky mountain.

"This! I knew what's this, some kind of a wyverns nest is inside the cave."

"Better not to recklessly dive inside"

I immediately go to the right side of the mountain and look at the landscape,

it's still a forest, i do the same at the left side and still a forest.

I go at the back of the wyvern cave and look at the back of the mountain, yeah, still a forest, this mountain is in the middle of the forest.

I go down at the back of the cave and found a slime, it immediately jump towards me like a soccer ball since there's no time to form an ice, i point my feet in the slime to block it's dash not evading, i don't even know why i didn't evade it and instead point my right foot at the direction where the slime will bump into me.

But when the slime bump into my feet my feet pierce through it, and take out its core from it's body, leaving the slimy body laying on the ground.

"Youve gained 1 experience"

Disappointed at the exp points when suddenly another screen pop out, out of nowhere.

"Youve gained a skill (Piercing claws)"

"Wow!! So that means i can gain skills if i practice it, Heheheh, when i go back ill experiment myself."

"Only crazy scientist will experiment theirself but not the case for me

right now "

Hmmm, i notice the slime's core in my hand.

It's like a jellatin but with something a bit hard of a ball inside, it looks like a nucleus with a slimy shell.

Then an idea suddenly pop into my head.

Should i eat it? Or store it inside my cave? Maybe it has some kind of use in the future.

Oh! I remember the spider and wolves that i  kill, those monster's seem to have a core.

In every isekai, monster's have core right? Oh Shit!!! Why did i forget that anyway?!

Regretting what i've done and caring for the core's of those monster's, i cant seem to take it out inside my mind.

Wa-wait the lizard don't have core doesn't it? Or maybe i just don't see it in it's body because im too focused in eating it. That lizard also look's like a komodo dragon.

Afterwards, I recklessly put the slime's core into my mouth then swallow it, hmmm, taste like jellatin but "Ughhh" *blergh* sounds of vomiting.

"What the heck!! It taste like jellatin but

i-i don't know why the hell it's disgusting!"

I suddenly feel disgusted but i already swallow it even thought i vommit many times, its already melt into my stomach.

After a while i recover from it.

"That don't taste bad but not that tasty,  just good, it totally taste like a normal jelattin but why did i feel disgusted by it!"

"You've gained a title (Reckless eater)"

"Wha-what the hell!!? I gain a hilarious title because of that!"

"You've gained a skill (Tackle)"

"If i remember correctly,

i tackle the egg inside to escape the egg hell in ten days, and i didn't gained a skill, i wonder why? Maybe there's some kind of requirements to it."

Let's hunt some slime's then.

I take my whole day fighting slime's, since im a bird i can't think of an attack in land without flying but i also think of some skills and will experiment it at my cave later.

I climb a apple tree that i found and eat a apple at the top, then carry an apple at my beak, I also carry slime core's each in my wings and hide the twelve slime core's inside a hole in the apple tree, the hole is large and also the space inside, i place the core's there because i can't carry it.

"It's totally inconvenient if you don't have hand and bag but the most is no

'item space', skill that an isekai'd would normally get."

I climb the mountain and after i arrive at the top of the mountain, i take a glance at the cave while jumping.

"I wonder if there's a monster there"

Then go down at the middle of the mountain where my cave can be found.

"At last"

I immediately put down the slime's core at my right side and the apple in my left side of the nest, im currently facing the entrance of the cave.


Then sleep it's going to be tiring day tommorow since i will try to learn the skills that i have been thinking of, along with eating this two disgusting core.

I gained an equivalent of 12 exp in killing slimes. Not included the one i firstly kill.