Chapter 12

"Chapter 12"

>>"Oh no' im surrounded"<<

"You've gained 10 experience"

"The experience reached a certain amount of points needed, 'Do you want to use it?"

"Wha-whaaaaat!!! I-i can use the exp!?"

"Of course it's a YES!!!!"

A screen containing skills appeared infront of me.

'So many'

"Am i suppose to read and pick skills here?"

No response

"I forgot it's a system"

"Unlike others, My system is not talking huh" the system are making me suffer reading all of this, i dont even know if i can finish reading this in a week.

It has 50 pages,Furthermore if i have to guess one page's contain 150 skills.


The more, The stronger but it's tiring to read it.


Since its alphabetically sort out, i search for fast growth skill and try to read its detail by touching it.

But what the system show me is a screen with "do you want to learn the skill(fast growth)?"

I hesitated and say "no" and search for fast experience but there's none.

An idea reminded me of double exp and i immediately search it.

"It seems im right"

There it is the skill.

"Heeeeheeeheheh" i chuckled

But what is fast growth? Maybe its about my body.

I touch the skill and the screen asked me and i say yes.

"You've learned a skill(Double Experience)"

The system didn't show me details.

After that i immediately rip the wolf's fur with my beak and eat the meat.

Im already full eating a part of the wolf meat at its belly but im not disgusted by the sight of a wolf dead body while i ripping and eating it.


"I've already become a monster ever since coming here"

'Since eating the lizard and rabbit, i already adapt to my surroundings'

'With just lizard and rabbit? My adaptability is so fast'

I inspect the wolf that i rip if there's a core.

after a while you can see the wolf's meat scattered in the ground along with it's skin.

"Ha, I managed to get five sphere shape transparent core"


I feel a shiver in my spine, my instinct are telling me i have to get out of here.

"Hmmmm, i shouldn't trust my instinct, last time my instinct are wrong, so maybe another prank of my instinct"

*Shrshshshsrsh* sound of bush

*Crrk* sound of a trampled twig

"Wh-who's there?!"

I suddenly met an eye of a being at the bush

"Who are you"

Then i suddenly smell the blood in my surroundings, i didn't know this because im too focus at ripping the dead wolve's but now i know.

"Another pack!"

Im surrounded, they're attracted at the smell of blood lingering in the air.

"Oh shit this is bad"

I form one ice needle and release it pointing in the bush where i met the eye of one of them.

I killed it.

After that i know that the wolves will start to dash through me.

Ten wolves dash, jump and rush towards me but i already formed five needles.

I shot the ice in different directions.

I killed two but the eight is still alive,

they dogde my needles,

Im only luckily killed one of them when the wolf im trying to attack dodge and the ice shot through another one hiding in the bush.

The other one is when jumping at me mid air, the wolf has no time to dodge that's why i killed it.

"What the fuck is this wolves they're no ordinary"

Im surrounded wolves in my left, in right , at the back and in front even in the mid air and

There's no escape path im surrrounded no opening even when i will try to jump there's a wolf that's jumped waiting mid air.

The world it's slowing down, is this death even when truck-kun send me here the world slow down.

"No-no not yet"

Because im surrounded i forgotten that i can freeze them by howling.

'Why did i forgot that'

I howl


The wolf body got frozen a bit, not totally frozen they just have a little bit of ice in their body unabling them to move.

The wolf in mid air is falling down because its body is frozen and heading to me.

I jump upward(at the top of the falling wolf) and use enchanted claw then use piercing claws. Flapping my wings and stretching my feet towards the head of the wolf.

After my claws and the wolfs head make a contact my claws pierce through its upper jaw.

"Wrrooooooooh" the wolf scream in pain.

I made a mistake when i pierce its upper jaw while its falling my feet is stuck-up in the jaw since it's moving.

I get drag along with the wolf down.

"Oh shit"

After we fall to the ground the ice in the wolfs body shattered when bumping to the ground, immediately stand up while my other foot is in its upper jaw.

I remove my feet then with my enchanced claw i attack it with my claw.

"This is my claw barrage!!!!!"

My attack is like those of a cat.

The wolf scream in pain when its face got so many wound.

My enchanted claw can only do a slice wound.

Two of the wolf break free from my skill and dash through me.

I jump back in a frozen wolf while facing the three wolves with no ice in their body and form three ice.

The two wolf dash through me.

The wolf mouth is near my forming ice.

Its like a piece of round ice floating in air but i can see the wolf are wary of it, they know it's a magic but since they are in mid air and their body is moving towards me and they can't stop it, they decided to just gamble and and bite me.

They are closing the distance and my two ice are forming inside the wolf's mouth since they are trying to eat me.

The two ice formed simutaneously and pierce through the two wolf's neck inside.

"Huu, i though it wouldn't form"

The wolf in my back break free from my skill and try to bite me from the top.

I notice it since the sound of my ice when it shattered alarm me.

I jump at the left where another frozen wolf standing.

But surprisingly the two ice i formed come along with me one of the ice carry a wolf.

The ice in my right slip out inside the wolf's neck when i jump and leave the wolf on the ground.

The other ice stuck-up in the wolf's neck(inside the mouth)

i release it at the previously wounded wolf.

the ice flew through the wounded wolf body while carrying a wolf.

When the ice with wolf hit the wounded one the ice pierce its body while getting crashed by the other wolf's body, pushing the ice to deepen the pierce of the ice.

The other ice is released and heading towards the dashing wolf that try to eat me whole

but that wolf evade it by going to the side.

The wolf jump through me but i evaded it by jumping upward.

After i jump, I flap my wings to use tackle in the wolf.

But as soon as i turn around, the wolf bump to another wolf, breaking the ice on it's body.

The five frozen wolf suddenly break free from my skill.

All of them broke free(they consist of seven)


"No, this is bad"