Chapter 14

"Chapter 14"

>>"My spatial inventory"<<

Its already 100, i can use it now but why is the system still don't notify me?


"Exp amount reached"

"Do you want to use it?"

"Tch, for a system your so useless"

"Do you want to use it?"

"You're so useless and so lazy, I wonder if a person is managing this"

"Maybe a GOD? No, it wouldn't be it

a god helping me? a useless being?

It's also lazy is there even a god like that? Maybe the system is just a lazy personnel of god,

good for it to be not reported y....."

Suddenly something stop me from muttering.

"Do you want to lost it?"

"Ah ye- Wait, WHAAAAT?!!!"

"I knew it you're a person aren't you?"

"You just change you're  LAZY  words right"

"The host are now losing experience pogress"

"Starting from 0.."

Before it start it's count on one "she" stops it.


Im sorry please don't!!

Im sorry i won't do it again

i mean it!!"

No response

"Did you forgive me now?"

No response








Show me the skill plss??"

A screen appeared in front of me

"Seem's like you've forgiven me already"

I search for the double exp skill but it looks like, i can't learn it again.


I search for a skill called Item bag,space,storage

And spatial bag

But while im finding spatial storage

I coincidentally found a spatial inventory

"Spatial inventory?! Is this what im searching for?? Maybe not? I should find spatial storage first"

I search for it but there's none, i also search for inventory and suprisingly i found it.

"Inventory? Spatial inventory?"


i hold my head by my two wings confused by the sudden two similar choice's but different function while the blood is lingering through my surrounding and anytime the monster's will find me by the smell.

I just recklessly touch the spatial inventory since it sounds much more cool and reliable.

You've learned the skill(Spatial inventory)

"Spatial inventory" i shouted it

Blank screen board appeared before me

An idea pop into my head

"I can get this blood out of my body!"

Actually i was thinking of picking the fly skill or the transformation.

If i pick the transformation skill i can turn into human but i already know that im going to be stark naked and wouldn't be able to find clothes.

If i pick fly i can fly and its totally essential but an idea pop into my head, that even if i can fly it's hard to keep my things and also they're heavy.

I imagine the blood in my body while the

"SI" (spatial inventory) are ON

And to my suprise the blood on me vanished and transferred to the screen as a word.

×1           5 oz(ounce) of greater wolf's blood

"Greater wolf???"

"I see that's why, but the bear should be powerful than it, eventhough it's greater right?


If i think about it carefully its"


Lesser w=3

Greater w=4


I assume that a

Lesser bear is 4

And greater b is 5

"I see it must be the same at the spider also and other creatures"

I transfer all of the mess that i created to my inventory

×1           20 liter-greater wolf's blood

×10         Greater wolf

×6            Dire wolf

×2            Bear

×1            Large spider

I should go back now, its already dusk the time before the dark.

Im going back when suddenly a.....


I turn back and what i saw is a big black bear and two brown bear at the two sides

The black bear is large, if i have to guess it's size.

Its height is 13 ft and size of 7 and 1/2 meters

(If you don't know the meter, its 11 feet)

While the two brown bear in its side's height is 12 and 1/2, the size is 10 feet


*Ahaha* laugh of fear


My body is trembling i can't move.

i have always been in a trouble

Im so small compare to them.

If you look at them in my point of view they're like towers.

They're looking at me with they're big black eyes.

Because of fear i forgot to cast a spell

When suddenly the three rush towards me

Yet here i am not moving because of fear but i get my resolved back and howl at them.

After i howl, i somehow freeze their feet and form five ice but as soon as my ice formed the crystal that holding the bears shattered.

But lucky me i started retreating

Yeah im retreating but i just get a 1 meter away because im just jumping.

Then i climb the tree by jumping to what seems a foothold after i climbed the branch.

The bears are already in front of me just 3 meters away i howl at them freezing their feet.

I compress my mana then make it denser and I release three ice at the black and each at the browns.

The black bit one of the ice, shattering it.

The other two pierce its body but not a deep wound, the half of the ice only pierced its body.

One of the brown in the left of black in my point of view, also did what black did.

While whole of the ice pierced the throat of the brown in right.

Since its mouth is open while roaring, i targetted it and the ice shot through its open mouth directing to its throat.

Its dead.

"Youve gained 10 experience"

In the time i release it and they received it

the two roar in pain and anger,

shattering the ice holding its feet but when they see one of them get killed they release a big roar much more bigger than before because of it's anger.


"Oh shit, what to do now"