Chapter 17

"Chapter 17"

>>"The human town"<<

I wake up in shino's soft hands and saw shino smiling at me, I averted my eyes in front to see where are we going.

I saw a huge castle! Is this a kingdom? A dukedom? It's large.

Our group is approaching the gate

The two man in the gate with a longsword on their waist, glare at me and question the us, Rey deal with this and we manage to get inside the city.

The gate is huge it can fit two large carriage in, maybe it is use for carriages that pass each other at the same time.

Many people look at me in wonder and surprise, I can hear them saying "is that a magical beast?"

Well I do look like a normal bird but with light blue features, my feathers is like an ice but they're delicate and soft.

But do they have to question that? Isn't this not their own business.

Well the others look at me like I'm just a weakling but most of them want to touch me

When I turn around I see shino grinning, I can feel that something bad might happen to me with that grin.

The four in front and shino stop

and start heading to the big building with

a sword with a wings insignia

'Sword and wings?'

'Is this the adventurer guild? I should be a bit cautious since I don't know anything'

I thought to myself while wondering what's inside.

Rey and Ryan open the door and what await me inside is a bunch of adventurers wearing different costumes and armor.

I turn my eyes to the counter, the girl that stood in the counter is a beautiful blonde with a dark blue eyes and a smile that telling me.

'it's a guild receptionist" yeah it seems I'm right, no doubt about it, if your an

another worlder you can guess in just one glance.'

Suddenly a girl open the door, 'what's this another receptionist?'

That girl wear a gown but I can feel the aura of receptionist on her.

'Maybe just my feeling'

Rey:Mona? Why are you wearing a gown?

Aya:you don't know? Mona is going to be married, she had a wedding right now

Rey: wedding? Then why is she here?

Mona: Ah y-yeah right

After she said this, she inhale and shout


'What with this girl just because her honey is missing she's already shouting and seeking for help?'

Ryan & Rey: Honey??

Rey: it's just a honey right? Why were you panicking suddenly

Aya: you're totally an IDIOT

Lira: um... She's not talking about the literal honey what she mean is her groom.

Ryan & Rey: Eh???

'Oh she also got me there, she's right why did I even think about it's a honey when she's wearing a gown'

But a groom missing? Isn't it already means that the man leave himself not totally missing? Maybe he doesn't love this girl, she's quite cute I guess? So maybe he's really missing.

that man is an idiot if he totally abandon a cute future wife.

The receptionist in the counter interrupt the awkward silence in the adventures.

Receptionist: if you want a help you have to post a quest and rewards first.

Mona: Ah y-yeah you're right

Awkward silence?


does all of them also think the same??

All of the adventurers laugh when they also notice that they're all the same.

Aya: Really? They all think that it's a honey?

Rey awkwardly laugh when hearing this

Since it's a search mission the quest require a large amount of people.

And as expected of what will happen

Rey: I'm IN

I knew it

Ryan:Yeah me too

Lira: Same goes for me

Aya: Well since you're all in, I guess I should also

I totally expected this to be their answer, well that means I'm going to search also

Lira: What about you shino?

Shino: I don't want to take part in the search, I'm going to teach glacia how to fly

Lira: Ah yeah I forgot about glacia, okay

Rey: Take care shino

Shino: Yeah, all of you also

Shino: now let's go glacia we're going to do quest and support you in learning how to fly.

I nod to say okay

Shino pick a quest about killing a group of goblins wandering in the forest of the beginning

'Forest of the beginning? Isn't that a name on any MMO starter forest?'

no use thinking I should check my status and distribute the points since I don't have time to distribute it.


Name: nameless(Lawrence)

Gender: female

Race: glacial pheonix








Ability points:36


Actve Skills: (Glacial Howl lvl 3)

(Ice Needle lvl 3) (Enchanted Claws) (Enchanted Beak) (Enchanted Body) (Enchanted Wings) (Piercing Claws)

(Tackle II) (Stealth I) (Hide Pressence III)


Passive skills: (Blizzard of life)

(Double Experience) (Disgusting Resistance)

(Sense Pressence III)


(Other worlder) (Mythical Beast)

(Reckless Eater)


6 ap=60 hp

10 ap=100 mp

10 ap=20 agility

5 ap=10 attack

5 ap=10 defence







Shino tilt her head and look at me then question me "what's the matter?"

Move my head sideways indicating

'it's nothing'

Shino leave her gaze in me and look in front but I can see she's worried.

'I'm sorry, I'm not a man anymore if I'm still a man ill marry you immediately'


After a while we arrive at the gate and leave the town, the guards didn't seems to mind the people leaving, only the one coming inside town.

When walking I spotted some horned rabbits eating grass, I want to touch it's soft skin,

I also want to kill it and eat it fried.

When we arrived at the forest of beginning,

Me and shiny are looking for the goblins that wander here after some time an hour or two

We found them, four goblins are chatting while sitting.

I form four ice then kill the goblins

"You've gained 8 experience"

Eh??  Just 8 exp?

Suddenly we heard a roar in our back.


What was that? another bear?

When I turn around what I saw is an tall armored goblin with a two big axe in each of his hand.

Is this a hobgoblin? why does it look like much more muscular and taller?

After we turn around and saw the angry goblin another roar can be heard in our back.


What is it this time